2013 honda civic trouble starting
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New User
Mar 4, 2021, 9:47 PM
Post #1 of 2
2013 honda civic trouble starting
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Backstory (unsure if related): Several months ago I had an issue that my car wouldn't start at all after going to the store. Called AAA and got a jump. Shortly after I had battery replaced just to be safe. Current: when starting the car I have to hold the key in ignition for variable amounts of time sometimes it will start without issue. Sometimes it will sound like it started and I stop holding key in the start position and it cuts off. The battery will be on but engine won't run. Then I'll turn the key again and it starts no problem. Most times I have to hold the key 4+ seconds (one mississippi type of seconds) and the. It will start. If I get it to start and turn it off to try again it will start without any hesitation everytime. I've taken the car into the honda dealership (honda civic 2013 125k miles) and they weren't able to see what I was talking about after having it all day trying to replicate the sound. My battery has been tested as well as my alternator and starter. And dealership said all is functioning properly. Any ideas?
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Mar 5, 2021, 1:53 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: 2013 honda civic trouble starting
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First off EXTRA CREDIT to you for describing seconds using the "One Mississippi" way! Haven't heard that in decades. IF not spell check, spelling it properly double points! Good move on getting new battery for a 2013 (could be made in 2012) it's tested so let's move on. Dealer couldn't find it? OK, it ran for them without issue once or twice it's not a money maker so doesn't surprise me it's "intermittent" hard to charge for things that work in front of you - really is. Can you try another key made for that car? Hope you have an OE key seems like ignition or fuel cuts out by moving it. These can be real quiet running you described that well, let go of key and it is off not running. None of this cranking time is good for it, most cars should start 1st try about 1st revolution and be done with cranking if this had any decent care oil change wise, lack of overheats these do quite well IMO with miles IMO. So, try another key then let's go from there. If no other key say so or if anything you know about it if not original. I suspect an anti-theft something even if all original is causing this would like to rule that out, T Note on AAA: Like them a lot for help just let them help or tow as needed IDK area by area if you want them to do work for you or any other similar service...
(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Mar 5, 2021, 1:57 AM)
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