'91 Miata - clutch is sticking
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Feb 8, 2010, 11:17 AM
Post #1 of 2
'91 Miata - clutch is sticking
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Hi, I posted about this car on Feb. 1st that it had been in a muddy ditch for 2 hours. We have cleaned and dried it out as well as we were able, and now are attempting to get it running again. The last two days when we have started it up, the clutch has been stuck. Jerking the car or rocking while in gear with the engine off unsticks it, but then it sticks again. Anybody got an idea of the cause, or how to resolve this? It is a '91 Mazda Miata with 108,000 miles on it. It was in great shape and ran dependably before it spun out into the ditch last Monday. But it's not worth spending a lot of money on. We are willing to put in time and effort, and are reasonably mechanically inclined. We also have a nice shop in the back yard where the car has lived in state since it went swimming. The water was up to the tops of the wheel wells, but did not get up to the dash/electronics. Everything electric works fine. We have jacked it up, first front then back, and cleaned out the undercarriage thoroughly. It pooped out a huge wad of mud from the tailpipe when it first started up - the only comic relief we've had. The tow truck pulled it out backwards, so we figure that's how the mud got into the tailpipe. It may have dampened the engine compartment a bit deeper at the front end as it was on an angle coming out of the water.
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Feb 8, 2010, 11:56 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: '91 Miata - clutch is sticking
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I would chck the cluth master cylinder. Make sure it has fluid in it and that when it got pulled out nothing happened to the line. It is possible that the master cylinder is not pushing the clutch fork far enough to engauge/disengauge the clutch. Not real famailer with this car but i would check that first.
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