
Mar 9, 2010, 5:40 PM
Post #1 of 8
93 deville problems
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Hey everyone how are you doing im having a problem with my 1993 cadillac deville 4.9L with 103730 miles i having a problem sometimes the car runs great other times the car runs poor the problem is when at a stop or with the engine idling the car idles up and down and sometimes it stalls and also when driving at 40mph and up the car cuts in and out but when i give it gas or have my foot on the pedal the car does it the car does have a vacuum leak which i have to fix maybe it's that but i wanna get your opinon the car has a rebuilt transmission that i had done at aamco which runs great now new egr valve fuel filter air filter spark plugs and wires new distributor cap and rotor everything you can name the car has no code the car runs great other then the erratic idle and when it cuts out the car has had a compression test everything good like i said car runs great other then that.
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Mar 9, 2010, 7:47 PM
Post #2 of 8
Re: 93 deville problems
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You pretty much answered your own question. With a vacuum leak it will not work right, and can give these symptoms that you have. Get the leak fixed and most likely your trouble will be gone.
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Mar 9, 2010, 7:59 PM
Post #3 of 8
Re: 93 deville problems
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ok i knew about the erratic idle but didn't know if that would make the car cut in and out at 40mph and above but thanks for replying thnk you very much
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Mar 10, 2010, 6:30 AM
Post #5 of 8
Re: 93 deville problems
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It's not the positive or negative cables right it's got a new battery but it's right next to the battery? I will try that to thanks for the reply have a great day
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Mar 10, 2010, 7:15 AM
Post #6 of 8
Re: 93 deville problems
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Mike - bit confused here. It's got a new battery - fine. It's no better than the connections and GM connections are prone at the battery and other ends of the cables. Can look ok and not be. They must be good on any car and moreso on this one as RT mentioned, T
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/ Moderator

Mar 10, 2010, 8:14 AM
Post #7 of 8
Re: 93 deville problems
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Thanks Tom for a positive reply on a negative subject. Mike, as Tom said that I said. Follow the large negative cable from the battery neg (-) post down to where it is bolted to the eng , it should be a stud just in front of starter. Remove stud and clean area,stud and cable end . Reattach good and tight.
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Mar 10, 2010, 2:21 PM
Post #8 of 8
Re: 93 deville problems
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Ok I understand now sorry about that thank never looked at that but now i will check that thnks a lot guys
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