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95 Lesabre - stalling issue

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Sep 22, 2014, 3:52 PM

Post #1 of 14 (2100 views)
  post locked   95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

  Hello, I've been having a stalling issue with this Lesabre for a couple months now and just can't seem to figure it out.

Car runs great, just shuts down sporadically. Always starts back up immediately. Have replaced almost everything imagineable but, can't find the problem. Here's a list of what's been replaced/checked: ICM, coilpacks, fuel regulator, IAC valve, TPS, MAF sensor, 02 sensor, crank sensor and harmonic balancer. This is a transition year(95) so I'm aware of the obd 1 1/2 issue but, my Actron scanner with obd 2 cannot get any active codes. I do randomly get 2 differant history codes, which are P0629 ( passkey frequency invalid), and P0567 ( CC SWITCH SENSOR _SIGNAL CIRCUIT PROBLEM).

Also, I've tested fuel pressure several times and it's always been right on the money and when I've had the scan tool hooked up while driving and it has stalled, I always lose communication between the scantool and the vehicle, just like as if you shut the key off. This tells me that it is definitely not a fuel issue and that it is ignition, no? Another thing, when it stalls, it is always with a load on the vehicle and either coming to a stop, or right after I have come to a stop.

Any and all ideas are more than welcome here. PS: I also have another 95 lesabre (running condition) sitting here, to swap out parts with. I have also had the throttle body off of it 3 differant times and it is absolutely clean as a whistle inside now. Was filthy originally.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 22, 2014, 4:08 PM

Post #2 of 14 (2096 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

They had a lot of problems around that year with the ECMs acting like that but that would be very difficult to confirm.


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Sep 22, 2014, 4:27 PM

Post #3 of 14 (2089 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

Yes, I have replaced several of them over the years. I have owned a dozen of these lesabres( mid 90's). I really don't think the ECM is the problem though with this car. It has no other ECM symptoms, such as intermittant lights flashing and speedometer on and off, etc. etc. I also want to add that I have torn all the grounds apart and vigorously cleaned and re-tightened them. I also have done several "wiggle tests" on wiring harnesses and the ECM itself. This is the same car that I posted about a week or so ago, where I asked for help in changing the belt tensioner. The tensioner was indeed bad, and the power steering pump was shot as well. I had a slight theory that maybe, just maybe, this was giving me a voltage drop, that was causing the stalling issue, because I was indeed getting a voltage drop on my scan tool, just before or right when the car would stall. Fixing these serpentine issues did not however, solve the stalling problem.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 22, 2014, 5:42 PM

Post #4 of 14 (2078 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

I really don't think the ECM is the problem though with this car. It has no other ECM symptoms, such as intermittant lights flashing and speedometer on and off, etc. etc.

That is totally senseless logic. None of those things would rule out the possibility of the ECM being the problem. You don't need to have any of those symptoms.


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Sep 22, 2014, 5:53 PM

Post #5 of 14 (2076 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

Totally senseless?? First of all, I haven't "ruled out" anything that I haven't replaced or checked. Secondly and more importantly, WTFRU to be calling me, or anyone else in this forum "totally senseless"?

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 22, 2014, 6:35 PM

Post #6 of 14 (2068 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

Your LOGIC about how the ECM couldn't be bad is what is senseless. The symptoms you are looking for would not be necessary for the ECM to be causing this. Take a chill pill.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Sep 23, 2014, 3:07 AM

Post #7 of 14 (2056 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

 Ok, chill pill taken. With that said and your lack of tact set aside, I still never ruled out the ECM and I never said it couldn't be the ECM. I said I really don't think it is the ECM, because there are no other symptoms that are typical with a bad ECM, at least not from my experiance. I am no professional mechanic however and that is why I posted here to begin with.

If you think I should try swapping out the ECM, please just say so,without the rude comments. And if I do swap it out, can I swap out the entire ECM, prom and all, because of the fact that these two cars are the exact same make,model, and year? Thanks

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 23, 2014, 11:38 AM

Post #8 of 14 (2040 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

You're going to have to compare the part numbers and if they match, I would swap the proms. There may be differences in the programming between the two.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Sep 23, 2014, 12:52 PM

Post #9 of 14 (2038 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

 Thanks Hammer, I grew impatient waiting for a response (sorry) so, I went ahead and swapped them out, prom and all.

Started right up so I hooked up the scan tool and let it idle while I checked for codes and viewed all the data stream.

All looked good so I took her for a test spin (about 3 miles) around the block and all seems fine. I won't know if it solved the stalling prob till tomorrow, when I put 50 miles or so on it though.

Do you think I should tear it back out and switch proms now, knowing that everything "seems" ok? Or am I safe in assuming that the swapped prom is good to go, now that I ran it and scanned it? Your opinion on that would really be appreciated.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 23, 2014, 1:01 PM

Post #10 of 14 (2036 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

No, not unless some issue shows up like codes or something not working related to the ECM.


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Sep 23, 2014, 1:03 PM

Post #11 of 14 (2034 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

  Thanks. I'll report back tomorrow and let ya know how it all went.


Sep 24, 2014, 11:46 AM

Post #12 of 14 (2023 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

 Ran the car about 65 miles today and never missed a lick. I feel pretty certain the stalling issue is resolved!

Hammer, I owe you an apology. I got pissed off with your choice of words, when in reality, those very words were precisely what was needed to get my "hammer" head out of the fog and start thinking clearly. With my experiance with these buicks, and my accessibility to parts, the ECM is the very first thing I should have swapped out to diagnose this issue. Would have saved me one heck of a lot of aggravation and there's no one to blame for that but myself. Unsure

So anyway, thanks for putting up with me and seeing me through this problem, and I hope you accept my apology.

Take care! Laugh

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 24, 2014, 11:49 AM

Post #13 of 14 (2021 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

Hey, no problem. I know I'm blunt and I hear about it a lot. Glad you got it resolved.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 24, 2014, 11:53 AM

Post #14 of 14 (2019 views)
  post locked   Re: 95 Lesabre - stalling issue  

I'll close this now to keep the spammers out.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


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