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99 Legacy b4 hesistant acceleration

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Oct 19, 2017, 8:29 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1479 views)
99 Legacy b4 hesistant acceleration Sign In

My Subaru Legacy B4 1999 RSK is having issues with rough acceleration. I hadnt noticed the issue until i passed the liscence test and was able to put my foot down hard without my parents in the car. When accelerating in any gear and giving more than half throttle will result in the car 'bucking' as it accelerates. This bucking is accentuated when going up hills. I also feel a lack of power, as sometimes the car seems more powerful than other times, maybe weather could be a factor? When mates have been driving behind me they say that they see black smoke 'puffs' coming out every so often, which makes me think of a misfire. However, when i was sitting in my driveway with the car idling after a short drive it continuously nearly stalled when in neutral just sitting there. Being no car mechanic myself I have not too much idea what could be wrong, but research makes me think a dirty MAF maybe? This issue dosent ruin the car for daily driving, but only when taking it out for a boost which is why it isnt an urgent fix. I would like to know if it is an easy fix that i could do myself eg sparkplugs, or if i have to take it to a mechanic then i would like to have an idea of what may be the issue so that im not ripped off by having parts fixed that didnt need to be. Thanks in advance. Matt

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Oct 20, 2017, 2:24 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1462 views)
Re: 99 Legacy b4 hesistant acceleration Sign In

Matt - If you want to even think of taking this on begin with a code reading and post the #s not just some interpretation of what they mean. No harm to glance around for anything out of order hoses and wires unplugged or damaged now.
What is the condition of this car overall and miles/KMs on it now also do you know the history of what has been done for routine maintenance and when?
Mechanics/techs? Try not to think it's opening yourself up to a "rip-off" it's no worse than any other trade or biz. You should be able to ask for a diagnosis and a price or estimate for assorted services or repairs up front up to a total check up of what condition this car is in now all around multi check of a list of items to know where you stand with it.

Side note: Use your new privilege to drive a vehicle unsupervised with all regard that it's not just you but everyone or thing else out there and that testing the limits of what it can do requires good judgment on YOUR part. By nature if things move they are dangerous, you knew that much I hope,



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