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Dec 25, 2022, 12:46 PM
Post #1 of 19
Merry Christmas/happy holidays! I have a 2012 Chevy Traverse LT, 166,000 miles, give or take. Winter Storm Elliott brought below zero temps, high winds, -35 windchills. Even though my Chevy lives in a garage with the door closed, it hasn't started since Thursday morning so I'm missing all the Christmas parties! I'm pretty sure I need a new battery. I'm looking at a Duralast Gold Battery H6-DLG Group Size 48 730 CCA at Autozone. My question is, will this battery fit in either a 2WD or an AllWD since I'm not sure which mine is. I tried entering my VIN in a couple of places but I didn't find an answer. I know I should know this but i don't. I feel really stupid asking this but i know virtually nothing when it comes to such things. I'm an old lady who lives with 2 Great Danes, neither of which has a clue about batteries (i asked them and just got strange looks). Thanks for any input you can give me and I apologize for such a ridiculously dumb question!
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Dec 25, 2022, 1:27 PM
Post #2 of 19
Re: Battery question
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That is a question for the place where you are buying the battery. If it makes a difference the application catalog will ask that question. If it doesn't ask, it doesn't matter. If you need to find out about yours, just look under the back of the vehicle and see if it has C/V axles going to the rear wheels. What are the 5th and 6th digits of the VIN#? I can tell you from that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Dec 25, 2022, 2:00 PM)
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Dec 25, 2022, 3:48 PM
Post #3 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Here's the whole thing, 1GNKRGED2CJ139667 Appreciate your help!
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Dec 25, 2022, 3:51 PM
Post #4 of 19
Re: Battery question
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It an LT 2WD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Dec 25, 2022, 4:36 PM
Post #5 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Should be in stock at the "Zone" but call first or other contact. They may loan you a jumper box but doubt it. If you can afford it (it's just more $$) Advance sells AGM batteries that tolerate extremes better and deliver full power better + last a LONG time usually. Love the Great Dane idea. More on this issue. 90% of USA is colder than usual to outright nasty cold. Weak link is batteries have lots less power when cold. Other is if you can handle it search out a maintainer if you have power in the garage usually is enough alone anyway. An automatic one if need be get help or learn to use it if you go there at all? CHECK TIRE PRESSURE TOO FOR REAL INCLUDE SPARE. Mark the battery with a permanent silver Sharpie the date installed IDK if this FREE installations will be able to save memory so it will run fine, radio pre-sets and other things you may have to set can be avoided. If not car might stall a few times or a lot will snap out of that but could take several warm ups, cool downs, miles driven perhaps 200 or so. This is rare or the charging system isn't up to par OR plain current battery is older than you think plan 4 years if you have this still just do another the dependability drops off fast after about that except AGMS. ASK till you understand it many things matter tires and batteries should never be neglected high on the list of getting you stuck! T
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Dec 25, 2022, 5:25 PM
Post #6 of 19
Re: Battery question
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It an LT 2WD Thank you, kind sir!! Tom, I've had this vehicle for about 3 years and I have no idea how old the battery was when i bought it so, considering the weather we've had over the past week, I'm not surprised it's balking. I did recently put 4 new tires on and I check tire pressure almost every time I leave home. I'm pretty much stuck with Autozone or O'Reilly's because of where I live. I'm so far out in the boonies, I should have my own zip code. This is a tiny, rural farming community so, unless I want to drive 50 miles in any direction, my choices for auto parts are limited. I have had an appointment for several days to take it to a dealership to have the defroster fixed. As is usually the case with me, the timing for car issues sucks!! (there really haven't been many, I've been very lucky). I started out last Thursday morning but i got 2 miles down the road before freezing rain iced my windshield to the point that I couldn't see enough to drive safely the remaining 15 miles so I turned around and came home. Rescheduled for this Tuesday. I'm not sure who is more irritated, me or the danes. They are used to lots of car rides and being stuck at home with only me for entertainment, we've all been trying each others patience. 😂
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Dec 25, 2022, 6:52 PM
Post #7 of 19
Re: Battery question
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If those are your choices - so be it. Out in the "boonies'' is all the more reason to dump battery even if not the whole problem. I equate them to like a head of lettuce - it won't last forever no matter what you do. Do ask if you can get started know these joints have the parts ready I think both install batteries no point in keeping that one IMO but know it's charging? A clue can be speed of directionals goes slow but work maybe speed up to normal off idle speed? Let these places check you don't have to buy more it's their job to sell stuff, some you may not need. Ask if belt is OK also and should show in a range that it's not too lose/worn to stay self-tensioned, most are that way. Good luck - the cold of recent hasn't helped anyone but is fairly normal for where I am. The extremes don't help ordinary parts you expect to periodically replace AHEAD of a failure if/when at all, any warnings, Tom
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Dec 25, 2022, 8:36 PM
Post #8 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Thanks for the advice, Tom. I'll definitely ask the questions and hope I don't sound like I already know nothing about what I'm talking about. 😉 I've lately been thinking this vehicle may start nickel & diming me to death and I should maybe start considering a trade up to something newer. It's been decent with very few problems since I've had it but who knows what's around the corner? My mechanic of 30+ years passed away recently and even though he had retired and closed his shop last year, he still did service for me and minor repairs, and now I find myself at the mercy of people I'm not sure I can trust. It's a daunting feeling! Several months ago I traveled with both of my Danes from Illinois to Iowa for neuter surgery on my male. The second day I was there, my "check engine" light came on. In a strange place, not knowing a soul other than the veterinarian, I was at the mercy of a local dealership. They seemed very nice, provided shuttle service at no charge for both me AND my other Dane and assured me they'd get me back on the road home. Diagnostics indicated an issue with 2 rear control arms (whatever those are...see what I mean?) and to add insult to injury, the service contract I purchased a little over a year ago from a dealership near home, didn't cover the $1500 it took to fix the "problem" (in quotes because, was there really an issue?) so, between the neuter surgery, hotel bill and car repairs, it was a very expensive couple of days! I'm thinking I may need a horse and buggy for back up because my John Deere tractor only gets up to 30mph. LOL
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Dec 26, 2022, 12:18 AM
Post #9 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Argg: Bills are never at a good time nor a breakdown. The "nickel/dime" things happen like curse but add up. I take this as "Out in the boonies" have to be ready for more. Think about getting a jumper box look for just an OK one on line, Harbor Frieght's aren't too bad - own many. Also think about a charger/maintainer, about 2Amp by Black and Decker or others must be automatic and shut off for batteries. They are slow but work great for low use items leave it on those like the tractor. Jump starting? Learn it that garden tractor could be your source too. It's best NOT to jump things with another vehicle so was a thought in a jam only it's just not good, even motor clubs lack IMO in a rush but have one if you can that's rated well for your area - no need to buy stuff from them unless no choices. Trust owner's manuals for some things, keep spare oil and common things in vehicles. BTW - Check engine light if a vehicle runs fine means get those read not to think it means what to replace rather what it's saying is the area a problem is - needs to be diagnosed what the fix is. The parts outlets do that too just get the #s usually a free service they['ll likely have a shopping list of parts about it parts folks are NOT necessarily techs in the work rather to sell parts don't confuse that. You can should be the rule there's no gender to being able to read and follow instructions 95% of things do NOT require wild strength rather smarts let tools do the work! READ - most dangerous things are hoisting a car READ how to it's clearly spelled out owner's manuals and at spare tires. That and have some old parts when new is done like a belt - save it with spare tire (I do that all the time) even if YOU don't do it you have it if help arrives in a jam no issue for those emergencies. There's lots you can do is the point and lots to prevent being stuck nobody does READ OWNER'S MANUALS! Tom
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Dec 26, 2022, 7:06 AM
Post #10 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Tom, I am printing these suggestions and will definitely look into getting those things to keep on hand for those "just in case" times! I'm usually prepared for "surprises" around the house and up until this, I have pretty much been able to fend for myself when things arise. I always keep an extra bag or two of dog food and meds should i need them for the Danes and I am never without a few Hershey bars for myself and I keep a 5g can of both gas and diesel but this time, I was totally caught off guard. I sure wasn't expecting Mother Nature to go on such a terrible toot!! I would not have been in such a panic if my choice of dog breeds wasn't so ridiculously inconvenient. If I had a couple of Chihuahuas, it would be so much easier but with giant dogs, emergency vet trips (which I've made a few over the 15 years I've been a slave to Great Danes) require a vehicle big enough to transport a 160# dog. 🙄 Thanks again for all of your help!!!
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Dec 26, 2022, 8:49 AM
Post #11 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Your call on carrying gas I do but also do road calls. Smaller cans are NOT so heavy. An issue I don't weigh near what your Danes do, heavy stuff an obstacle. Weather stuff? It's done ever last thing it's doing now lest we forget. Winter 2014-15 snowed in 3 storms 26 FEET. OMG it snows here but give me a break! Could tell cars/lots here from snow drifts. West of the mess of Boston Google what a storm does there with no parking for a horse dammit it's a nightmare on a good day. Carry what you know how to use if remote location. Common sense escapes this world IMO and observed what idiots MA can be. 4WD or AWD can go anywhere - WRONG. I pluck those out of the woods like littler with tow straps. It's home to me so still here no more pets grew up with everything but a giraffe (late Mom love them all out of control) - just smile. Hmmm - Hershey bars. It's cold now they don't fare well in heat just think no advice. IDK knock some things off the must do list for a car as you can they do not take care of themselves most things are doable now vs back when or plain stuck nothing will work at a given time or place, Tom
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Dec 26, 2022, 11:29 AM
Post #12 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Oh, I didn't mean that I carry gas with me, I keep cans full at home with Stabil and diesel treatment on board. My vehicle and my big tractor are always full. I can go a couple or 3 days without leaving the farm in the car but I use the tractor for something pretty much every day. I'm in West Central Illinois but was raised in Minnesota so I'm familiar with winter weather. I lost my husband 15 years ago and this is really the first time since that I've had to depend on someone else. Really hate it! Used to LOVE winter but the older I get, the less I like it. I'm just glad I no longer have livestock!! At one time, I had everything from horses to llamas to goats to pot belly pigs (not all at the same time). Little by little, they all left for greener pastures and deeper mud puddles so at least i don't HAVE to go out in the weather unless i want to. The Danes have a dog door that's open 24/7 so I am never tasked with taking them out. I've had a couple of unwelcome guests in the middle of the night in the form of possums but it wasn't because they came in willingly. My Dane boy just likes to prove what an incredible hunter he is. Seriously? Possums? 🤣 I can't even begin to imagine 26 FEET of snow!! We had record snowfalls last winter and this area pretty much came to a screeching halt. Very few people know how to drive in it and I feel like I'm taking my life in my hands every time I go out! Brother-in-law is here putting the new battery in. Fingers, toes, eyes crossed. Oh and since when do they put batteries under the floor instead of under the hood??? I have a lot to learn! 😲
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Dec 26, 2022, 12:00 PM
Post #13 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Yes - 26 Feet of snow! Insane was over street signs is a treat. That wasn't all at once rather a 3, 4 FOOT bunch of storms. One? Normal not 3 before you finished the last one! Inland in MA no help from ocean water the flow is out to sea so have your weather the day after you do usually. I'm a lot older now IDK if the energy for that was a one time deal actually no real harm it did melt by August :-) Back to your car the battery is primal so is charging system or it just doesn't work. You mentioned diesel? It's cold for that now if you saw it it's Jell-O so few here or heat the vehicles some other way. Trivial crap I mentioned tires + pressure. For each 10F degrees you up or down 1 lb of pressure - now you know. Too much college in my resume I listened a few times a degree in Sciences would bore you to death if not for dorm life I'd have died yet almost died of that then! Let it be, Tom Onward - Let's fix your machines this cold is normal just early and lots of it machines can work dag nabbit silly rabbit!
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Dec 26, 2022, 3:18 PM
Post #14 of 19
Re: Battery question
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"Insane" is putting it mildly! I do remember one huge snowfall we had when I was in Minnesota...Halloween night, of all times. The fall leaves were at their peak for color and we awoke buried in snow. It covered the mailboxes out by the street BEFORE the plows even went through. That was one of many times dad sent all 4 of us kids up on the roof to shovel the snow off before we even cleared the walks. I'm seeing on the news that they are now calling Winter Storm Elliott the "storm of the century". The films of Eastern U.S. are downright frightening! I moved from Minnesota to Illinois in 1976. The first winter here, we had snow upon snow upon snow. Lived in an old farmhouse 15 miles from town so we were the last to get electricity restored. That was a rough 10 days and my first experience ever with losing power for more than a couple of hours. I used to keep my John Deere in my big hay shed but it's a long walk out there with 2 blown knees so it lives next to the house now, out in the weather all the time. I was half surprised it started right up yesterday after being out in the way below zero temps. Bought it new 13 years ago and don't know how I ever lived without it! The Traverse is back up and running, yayyyy!!! I have an appointment tomorrow morning to see about getting the defroster working since i really kinda need that feature right now.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Dec 26, 2022, 5:33 PM
Post #15 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Defroster? If a lift up window check where wires go to it. Broken or unhooked before losing hair over it. All that matters - Winters are harsh + Summers hot IDK how machines put up with it and a fully trained tech! Certified (insane) all credentials including the college degree = for real says in Automotive technologies rare done by the late Teddy Kennedy (not a fav) but smart to for college degrees for automotives not just tech schools. I typed too and shows still but older, vision stinks and computer OMG brings about horrible bad words not for here or anywhere. We went a bit off topics so refresh current scene - here to help strangers site is FREE we don't make a cent just care. Way off topic you said you lost your sig. other I can relate lost mine 22 years ago seems like torture forever. This isn't a chat site but I'm doing that, at NONE all corrupted IMO. Hit my name if you want a to use this site's private messages so far I think they really are. NO, I'm not doing road calls to Illinois drove thru Chi Town too many times needed diapers till sign saying "Entering Iowa! All in in fun still here to fix your mechanical stuff you can - I can feel that 1,200 miles away! Tom
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Dec 26, 2022, 7:04 PM
Post #16 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Haha! I have a $300 credit at this place, in a nutshell, he sold me a service contract for $2500/2 years. Being 100% unschooled in mechanics, after all the mumbo jumbo he spewed, I simply asked him "so, just tell me what this DOESN'T cover" and he told me tires. Everything else that could possibly cause me to break down on the road would be covered. Signed on the dotted line. Fast forward to a few months ago when I was in Iowa, 200+ miles from home, and needed(?) repairs I foolishly figured would be covered under the contract. Got home to find out I apparently flushed $2500 down the toilet because I had to pay the whole $1500 out of pocket. In no uncertain terms, guy knew I was not a happy camper but said all he could do was offer me a $300 credit for any future repairs or a few simple oil changes. So, I'll go see him tomorrow, let him figure out the defroster issue, use up my credit and that'll be the last time he lays eyes on me. Chi Town, I spent a week there one night. 🤣 Going to explore the private message feature now. 🙂
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Dec 26, 2022, 7:44 PM
Post #17 of 19
Re: Battery question
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Just letting you know. This is a public forum and we answer questions in public so other people with the same problem can read them. Private messages are not for automotive questions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Dec 26, 2022, 8:39 PM
Post #19 of 19
Re: Battery question
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No problem, closing this one now as solved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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