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Brakes are bad

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Oct 4, 2011, 6:20 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1795 views)
Brakes are bad Sign In

First things this is not on a car it is a forklift but that should make this easier. It is a very simple system it has a master cylinder with no type of booster on it. from the master cylinder it goes to the two front drum brakes. it has a pressure switch in line on the right side hose to work the brake lights. Now for my problem. The pedal was way to hard you barely touch the brakes and they lock up so i adjusted them down a little bit and they were perfect... for about a day then the pedal all the sudden went too the floor... so i once again adjusted it and it was excellent for a day or two then it went back to being to hard so i adjusted it again this went on for a few times then i decided to just let it go when it was too hard. it stayed hard for about a week then suddenly went to the floor again on its own. I have replaced the master cylinder, twice, so i know it isn't that. when i try to bleed the brakes they don't bleed right. i can never get a good solid stream out of the bleed screw it always just kinda sputters like there is air in the line but the pedal isn't soft which doesn't make sense to me. and no matter how much brake fluid i bleed through it it still sputters. it is like this on both wheels where it just sputters when i try to bleed it. i can see all of the brake line from the master to the wheel and there is no leak on the line. i bench bled the master cylinder the best i could before i installed it but maybe i should try again. please let me know any suggestions

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Oct 4, 2011, 7:42 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1778 views)
Re: Brakes are bad Sign In

How are the wheel cylinders? I have seen wheel cylinders suck in air when you let off the brake pedal or during bleeding causing air to be in the lines.

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Oct 5, 2011, 5:55 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1759 views)
Re: Brakes are bad Sign In

I've only worked on 2 forklifts in my time. One was a 60's vintage Clark the other a Mitsubishi. I recall having something similar on the Clark. The pedal got hard at the slightest touch and a wheel would lock up. But it wouldnt release either unless I opened the bleeder to that wheels cylinders. Yeah each wheel had 2 cylinders! Each wheels brake assy had 2 leading shoes. Pulled the wheels and drums off to find a mess. On the bad wheel whatever brake lining was left was 'rust jacked' off the shoe and its wheel cylinder was siezing from internal rust. Wound up rebuilding the entire brake system in that one. Man them are parts are expensive! Hope this helps

(This post was edited by synchro on Oct 5, 2011, 5:58 PM)


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