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Car stalled while driving

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May 17, 2013, 5:14 PM

Post #1 of 9 (2225 views)
Car stalled while driving Sign In

2002 Hyundai Santa Fe 4 cylinder 80,000 miles

Pulled out of driveway, stopped three houses down at stop sign. Gave car gas. Only got a few yards before car sputtered and died. Friend of friend said fuel pump wasn't working. Replaced fuel pump. Showed me fuel pump working. Car still won't start. End of his expertise in this area. Car "turns over" but doesn't start. I'm unemployed and disabled fighting for disability and have basically no funding to work with (no clue how I'll fund further repairs). I am not in a position to take car to shop and have people start playing guessing games. Does anyone have any inexpensive advice?! Help!

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 17, 2013, 5:18 PM

Post #2 of 9 (2220 views)
Re: Car stalled while driving Sign In

You are the one playing guessing games and out a fuel pump already. Read this for "crank and not starting" procedures of ruling things in or out,


New User

May 17, 2013, 5:34 PM

Post #3 of 9 (2212 views)
Re: Car stalled while driving Sign In

This is what I got from the person who replaced the fuel pump (bear in mind he did not have all his tools with him, including the one that checks the spark plugs):

"This is what I have done to come to the conclusions I have come to. The car has fuel pressure but is not injecting and has no spark. The spark plugs might be old but they never fail all at once, it is a physical impossibility for all four spark plugs to be bad. So that cannot be the problem. There are two ignition coils. it is a physical impossibility for them both to be bad. So that cannot be the issue. As much as the car has been cranked, even knowing that the fuel pump works, there would be fuel literally running out the tailpipe if the engine was getting any fuel at all. It is the computer or something is stopping the computer from working. The only thing I did not do was to physically yank the computer and re-seat the connectors, but that seldom helps, and the odds are- especially with that dramatic a failure- that the computer is connected properly but it has simply failed."


May 17, 2013, 5:37 PM

Post #4 of 9 (2205 views)
Re: Car stalled while driving Sign In

That guy has no idea what he is talking about. Tom has given you the procedure to isolate what is going on with the car and those tests are the only way to figure this out.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 17, 2013, 5:44 PM

Post #5 of 9 (2201 views)
Re: Car stalled while driving Sign In

You only think you have fuel delivered and spark and don't know that yet so follow with tests what is posted and see which one is missing. Having four plugs doesn't mean they spark, having fuel pressure doesn't mean injectors work or are triggered which is tested with a noid light. Coils and whatevers are being told what to do and when by a lot of info from sensors everywhere.

I really think with lack of tools you at least need it diagnosed and then decide if you can do that or not based on the diagnosis. So far we know
nothing except there's a new fuel pump in it that apparently wasn't the problem,


New User

May 17, 2013, 5:53 PM

Post #6 of 9 (2189 views)
Re: Car stalled while driving Sign In

Thank you. Your information is very helpful. I have just been told I may have access to someone who has these tools and is knowledgeable. With any luck, maybe I can get a some diagnostics done before hitting the repair shop.

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

May 17, 2013, 6:58 PM

Post #7 of 9 (2167 views)
Re: Car stalled while driving Sign In

Don't forget to scan the engine computer to see if there are any trouble codes stored.

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.


Jul 31, 2013, 7:22 PM

Post #8 of 9 (1954 views)
Re: Car stalled while driving Sign In

Per Email
Dear Car Junky, couldn't figure out how to add this to the post; so I'm sending you this e-mail. I had a mechanic who runs his own business on the side come out. He ran the codes and it was "error, error" everywhere. Turns out I had two wires that were shorted out so the computer wasn't working and it couldn't communicate with anything and the car stalled. These wires just happened to be near the engine and he said they probably rubbed against the side of the engine (how that is relevant, I don't know). He fixed the shorted wires and life was good again. But, here's the rub: I was sitting at a light and all of the sudden the car just stalled for no reason. It started right up again and I abandoned my errands and drove home and stayed put because I am no afraid to use the car. The only thing I can tell you is I was running the air conditioning this time when the car stalled; but I wasn't the first time. Obviously I am going to call back the mechanic who fixed the wires and see if he truly does stand by his work. What I'm wondering is, is the fact that these encased wires "rub against the engine" is somehow causing these wires to short out? If so, how do I prevent that from happening? Or, could this be another situation entirely? I can't keep pouring money into a car, I can't afford another car, and I can't not be without transportation. My disability hearing isn't until August, it could take two months just to get an answer (and another to get a check) and there is no guaranty I'll be approved. I am at my witt's end and am so frustrated that someone could spend 6 hours going through car schematics and checking every freaking wire in the car only to have the car stall suddenly again.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Aug 1, 2013, 12:31 AM

Post #9 of 9 (1948 views)
Re: Car stalled while driving Sign In

Carjunky: I get PMs all the time and bet many regulars do too. If this person couldn't make a post I don't know how to advise them with assorted devices in use out there.

For some time now we asked people not to add to a thread but rather state their own specifics on a new thread or refer to an old thread they found. Many we are locking so they get viewed only. A site like this needs to stay fresh IMO.

If you've searched on some of several search engines out there and can come directly to a thread and people may not know or might not know how or be able to sign up for some reason.

In this case a disgruntled person after someone spent hours on some wiring issue only to have it return I don't know what to say. If problem doesn't stay broken when testing things like that what can anyone do?

Guessing you copied that problem that found you in some fashion and they just didn't know how to sign in here?



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