Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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Camp Hill
New User
Jun 22, 2017, 10:25 AM
Post #1 of 11
Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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Hello, I'm begging for some help here: I've got a 2003 Chrysler Town and Country, 3.8L FWD with 119K miles. Car is in excellent condition...until recently. It stalled the other day while idling in reverse (I was waiting for a car to clear). I went to restart the vehicle and everything seemed normal except in wouldn't turn over. No noise, no starter, nothing. Lights looked normal. After playing around for 10 minutes or so it started so I figured that I hadn't gotten all the way back to park. Well, and hour or so later it bucked (badly) while driving and stalled the next time I stopped the car and again wouldn't turn over at all. This has now happened about 6 times and the stall/no restart is always preceded by some amount of bucking, so the last time it happened I had the car towed into my mechanic. He observed the problem and has hooked it up to his diagnostic computer and nothing...no codes are being thrown off at all. It will now start, as it is truly intermittent, but is somewhat of a hazard that I can't allow my wife to drive until this is solved. So, did anyone ever run into something like this before? Please help.
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Ultimate Carjunky
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Jun 22, 2017, 10:33 AM
Post #2 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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We get this all the time in the shop. The trick is to figure out what goes missing or is missing when it doesn't want to start. Read this if it doesn't want to start after it shuts off: http://autoforums.carjunky.com/...LL_NOT_START_P75655/ If it is intermittent stall, but restarts, you may need to find a mechanic that can monitor systems using a digital recording lab scope and other equipment. Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.
(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Jun 22, 2017, 10:34 AM)
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Jun 22, 2017, 11:03 AM
Post #3 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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It sounds like he has a no crank DS. You are going to have to check all you power connections, starting with the battery. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Camp Hill
New User
Jun 22, 2017, 11:08 AM
Post #4 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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Thanks, but this is not the problem. When you put the key in and turn the key all the lights work as normal but nothing else happens. The starter does NOT crank. Over time this will go away the car will start normally. It's as if it's not fully in park. It will sometimes start when in neutral, and sometimes doesn't start in neutral.
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/ Moderator

Jun 22, 2017, 12:13 PM
Post #5 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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If you aren't doing the diagnosis yourself, then you probably aren't going to solve this online.... As DS already said, you are probably going to need to find a shop/tech that is capable to tracing this problem down......I don't know your tech and am not throwing stones, but since he had this one in his bay, while the problem was occurring and couldn't track it down....You may need to find a different shop for this one....They probably won't be the cheapest one.... tools, training and experience usually isn't cheap..... I'm guessing your tech already checked all the basic stuff out....I've seen techs overlook some of the simplest things sometimes....like a battery....and jump right to the scan tool and waste tons of time.... Do I think a bad battery is causing this problem??.....probably not...but if the test results for it were even marginal.....it would get a good one before I continued on.....Good luck and I hope you get a handle on it......Let us know what you find out....
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Camp Hill
New User
Jun 22, 2017, 12:49 PM
Post #6 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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Thanks. I was hoping that someone here has seen something similar and would give their solution(s). The problem is that it will eventually start (maybe the next day) and then everything works fine...until it doesn't. Oh, once solved I will let everyone know the solution.
(This post was edited by Camp Hill on Jun 22, 2017, 12:50 PM)
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/ Moderator

Jun 22, 2017, 12:57 PM
Post #7 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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Sure it doesn't hurt to look around....Personally I haven't come across this exact problem....Chrysler does have their fair share of electrical problems from PCMs, Power centers (fuse box), etc... Most of those will set a code but not all......Those years were handy by being able to pull a code via the dash by just cycling the key from off to on 3 times (had to get the timing right)...... On problems like this....half the battle is just getting the problem to happen...Then once it does,,,,the clock starts ticking and you already need to have an idea of what you what to check...
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Jun 22, 2017, 5:45 PM
Post #8 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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From top, Quote "Hello, I'm begging for some help here: I've got a 2003 Chrysler Town and Country, 3.8L FWD with 119K miles. Car is in excellent condition...until recently. It stalled the other day while idling in reverse (I was waiting for a car to clear). I went to restart the vehicle and everything seemed normal except in wouldn't turn over. No noise, no starter, nothing. Lights looked normal. After playing around for 10 minutes or so it started so I figured that I hadn't gotten all the way back to park. Well, and hour or so later it bucked (badly) while driving and stalled the next time I stopped the car and again wouldn't turn over at all. This has now happened about 6 times and the stall/no restart is always preceded by some amount of bucking, so the last time it happened I had the car towed into my mechanic. He observed the problem and has hooked it up to his diagnostic computer and nothing...no codes are being thrown off at all. It will now start, as it is truly intermittent, but is somewhat of a hazard that I can't allow my wife to drive until this is solved." *********** First guess was probably right - battery connection now battery no good. How old is the battery or since tested? It's been quite hot, many places this in particular is hot under hood. Battery bloated it might be intermittent, lost all codes or partly not reliable now. Light working does NOT mean battery is strong and good nor cables clean and good at all. Doesn't crank but did or can after a waiting time I think connection again. Gets hot, runs rough and does this again. Worse, it's stalling possibly from zero battery connection either ends of cables is really risking control modules that read nothing - right? To even really get credible anything check out this battery and cables. Then info may come for codes new again. Chryslers = don't mess with batteries or cheap out on them. Charge and test any new one first, T
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Camp Hill
New User
Jun 22, 2017, 6:21 PM
Post #9 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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Ok, earlier today I instructed my mechanic to thoroughly check out the battery and battery cables in the morning since that would be the easiest repair. I also instructed him to check the Neutral Safety Switch. I think this is the likely culprit. Shifting the transmission lever from park to first gear a bunch of times would/may cause a loose switch to move back into position enough to allow the car to start...all this seems logical so that's why I asked him to check this out. However, the bucking and stalling...so I have a new question: If the car bucks enough to reposition the Neutral Safety Switch would the car stall? Conversely, if the Neutral Safety Switch moves during operation into a position that the sensor thinks is in park or reverse, etc would this cause the car to buck and stall? When not bucking the car runs like new.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Jun 22, 2017, 6:55 PM
Post #10 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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Probably nothing to do with neutral safety switch that disables "trigger" wire to starter only I think then isn't involved. Moving a shifter MAY be allowing a stronger "ground" connection thru metal of it's parts enough to allow battery to make the full loop to power things and return back. Any vehicle just more issues with some Chryslers. IDK - I see placement of battery, wires, relays and things too close to it or under it not a good place. Others take a fender off to get to one - nice. Anything that might interrupt good power for items thru this vehicle (most vehicles) is just going to cause erratic problem as it's totally relying on battery power to be a mobile computer on wheels and can just go brain dead if interrupted. The good new for now is you said it can run well so suggests no permanent damage would be great to avoid, T
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Jun 22, 2017, 8:12 PM
Post #11 of 11
Re: Chrysler T&C Intermittent Starting Problems
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Why are you "instructing" your mechanic on anything? If he's actually a mechanic, he doesn't need instruction on anything. Just give him the symptoms and let him tell you what the problem is. I DO think the neutral switch is a good suspect but he should know how to narrow it down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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