Crank pulley/harmonic bal. dont spin
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Feb 12, 2010, 12:25 PM
Post #1 of 3
Crank pulley/harmonic bal. dont spin
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1995 Pontiac Transport 3.1 180,000 The outer rim part that holds and spins the serpentine is not spinning. So, how does the belt still spin around turning the Alt, Pwr Steer, and Water Pump? The AC comp is not turning now (because of the stuck pulley?), because it's worked fine just last week even. Do I pull the belt, then check that pulley somehow. If it was freewheeling on the outside, it would probably spin if them other three parts are turning with the belt, right? The car's also running real hot real fast. Could that be from the water pump not pushing like it is if the crank/harmonic bal. pulley were turning the belt also? I've made sure of thermostat good, coolant level and what not for the overheating part. I am truly more concerned about the pulley and what to test and what to do about fixing it. Thanks for any knowledge and input.
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Feb 12, 2010, 1:15 PM
Post #2 of 3
Re: Crank pulley/harmonic bal. dont spin
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The vibratation dampers on newer vehicles are two piece and yes they do seperate. My advice is to stop driving this transport until you replace the damper or the engine will overheat and cook the heads rendering this 180,000 Pontiac not feasable money wise, to repair. Not too tough a job if you go for it.
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Feb 12, 2010, 8:00 PM
Post #3 of 3
Re: Crank pulley/harmonic bal. dont spin
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I'm all for your advice of not driving it, and I'm up for the challenge of doing it. I'm posting to get answers to my original questions about what to look for and how to do the job correctly. Or is it just that everything I posted, you figured out that it is indeed that part to be replaced and fix these problems. Thank you very much. Update: The AC comp and the crank pulley are both turning with the belt. It was that hard to notice, so I had someone else start it up while I watched. This is the good news, but I still have major overheating after a few minutes, so I need to check the cooling loop next. Thanks for your input though.
(This post was edited by KBWood on Feb 13, 2010, 8:09 PM)
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