Dodge Stratus dies at stoplights
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Jul 30, 2011, 6:04 PM
Post #1 of 4
Dodge Stratus dies at stoplights
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I have a 2004 Dodge Stratus 2.7 engine with 96,000 miles. Occasionally, it will die at a stoplight but then start right up on move on down the road. It has the original plugs and plug wires and I wondering if that may be the problem. There is no code. Also, I bought it with 27,000 miles and have used Mobile 1 synthetic oil changing it between 3,000 - 4,000 miles. I have changed it that often due to the sludge problem so many mechanics have talked about with this particular engine. The car runs great and has only died 3 or 4 times in the past couple of months. Have some of you out there had good luck with this engine when it gets that many miles or am I pressing my luck and should I unload it?
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Jul 30, 2011, 11:32 PM
Post #2 of 4
Re: Dodge Stratus dies at stoplights
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You're already aware of the sludge problem with these engines so that is more than half the battle.. Doing oil changes with synthetic oil at the 3 to 4 K range is great. Usually you can get way more mileage between oil changes when you are using synthetic so, if you can afford to change it so soon, then by all means keep it up.... Sometimes you will start getting some clatter out of the timing chain area once sludge starts building up due to the tensioner getting starved for oil and losing tension on the chain...... With this problem I would start with the basics, get all the tune up maintenance stuff done and while your at it, get yourself a little brush & a can of throttle body cleaner and clean out the throttle body real well. Open the plate by hand & clean the bore & plate with the cleaner..... Hopefully your dying problem is just a dirty throttle body......That would be an easy fix.....
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Jul 31, 2011, 5:28 AM
Post #3 of 4
Re: Dodge Stratus dies at stoplights
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Di Chrysler ever get this engine design worked out so the sludge isn't a problem? If so, what year?
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Jul 31, 2011, 11:34 AM
Post #4 of 4
Re: Dodge Stratus dies at stoplights
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Sludge problems can be attributed more to lack of maintenance or running problems than design. Granted some engines can handle abuse better than others, so I would doubt Chrysler is going to redesign anything for this problem....In some of the responses I've seen to this problem, that is their stance to the problem,,,,customer abuse.... and it is partially true but that particular engine doesn't seem handle abuse (lack of maintenance)as well as some others seem to. In the real world not everyone is as good at keeping up on the maintenance as you seem to be..... Throw in the way the economy has been and folks that were keeping up have started putting it off. Those are problems that will surface years down the road and yes they will be expensive ones.... Just talk to anyone in the field and ask them if they've seen any trend changes between now & 5 years ago
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