
Feb 10, 2013, 10:46 AM
Post #1 of 17
Fuel Injector Fuse
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I have a 1998 Pontiac Bonneville SSeI supercharged engine. I have to replace my fuel injector fuse. Where is it located, and what is the fuse code for it? thanks
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Feb 10, 2013, 10:59 AM
Post #2 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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fuel injectors get their power and ground from the PCM. As such they don't have a fuse. What problem are you experiencing? Did you mean the fuel pump by chance, or do you not have injector pulse when cranking?
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Feb 10, 2013, 12:22 PM
Post #3 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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I was told it was the fuel injector fuse from the mechanics shop that last fixed my car. They said that I had a blown fuse and my car has the same symptoms this time. It's a problem that seems to break down my car every six months or so, and I wanted to attempt to fix it myself. Basically, what happens, is as i'm driving down the road, my accelerator stops working. My car remains on but there is no power to the gas pedal. If I turn my car off, and try to turn it back on, it will not turn over. The car starter sounds fine, but I don't think fuel is getting in. The mechanic shop that I brought it into said that I would need to replace all my injectors to stop the problem for good, but I am unable to afford that cost right now. I basically just want a bandaid on the problem for now, until I have the money to take care of it. In my car manual, it says there is an injector fuse in the passenger side fuse box (number 7, I believe). What is your opinion? thanks
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Feb 10, 2013, 12:32 PM
Post #4 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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Doesn't seem like a fuse would be the problem but why not just replace the fuse so you can cross it off the list of a possible cause?
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Feb 10, 2013, 12:34 PM
Post #5 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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Are you getting any trouble code? Something doesn't sound right here.....If you had a blown fuse, the car wouldn't start until that fuse was replaced....
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Feb 10, 2013, 12:44 PM
Post #6 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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yea the car doesn't start, the starter sounds like it wants to turn over, but nothing is firing. I will try the fuse
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Feb 10, 2013, 1:28 PM
Post #7 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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Well with any no start.....You want to find out what you are missing......Get a spark tester & check for spark, take a fuel pressure reading....If you have a noid light, check for an injector pulse... You could spray a few shots of starting fluid down the throttle body & see if the engine will run for a few seconds.....This would indicate a fuel problem...
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Feb 17, 2013, 9:54 PM
Post #9 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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I switched the fuse, and my car has been working for over a week now. Thanks yall
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Feb 17, 2013, 9:56 PM
Post #10 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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Hammertime: fuses can cause a fire? Also, if my fuse keeps blowing what could be the cause of this? I know very little about cars, but I am trying to gain as much knowledge as possible through this website.
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Feb 17, 2013, 10:02 PM
Post #11 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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Sidom: When I took my car into an automotive shop last they told me I needed to change all of my injectors. Does this sound like an accurate diagnoses based on the issues I listed?
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 17, 2013, 10:20 PM
Post #12 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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Fuses are supposed to blow if overloaded and prevent more trouble. Alone they would not cause a fire IMO. Could any vehicle have some electrical or fuel fire - yes. How is it determined that ALL injectors must be replaced? Huh? Something is drawing too much current for that circuit. Finding out exactly what or why may be difficult. One would think if bad enough whatever fuse worked would blow instantly again, T
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Feb 17, 2013, 10:40 PM
Post #13 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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That's what I assumed as well. If all the injectors are shot, why would my car work for six months until blowing another fuse? The shop wants to charge me $2400 to replace them, which is half the value of the car. When I bought the car I planned to drive it until major issues started to happen. Then I planned on getting a new car. That's why I'm just trying to have the problem stop (even temporarily) without investing a lot of money into the car. I'm going to get a second opinion at a different shop this week. I will keep you posted
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 18, 2013, 6:52 AM
Post #14 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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$2,400 bucks! I didn't check but that sounds insane! Worse I don't think that would fix it. Shane - I don't know of a life expectancy of fuses like that listed on light bulbs you must have seen ---- X # of hours and so on. If this is regular at an interval there's probably a common denominator like weather or a spike that is random that takes out a fuse anywhere for anything. Those are going to be nasty to find if so. If you know the exact way to get it going carry the spares for now of course and when possible do let an auto electric person/shop that specializes check it. If injectors are all (why all?) drawing too much there must be another reason. You said it's running just fine now so if no codes show up for some fault or fault pending this may be a ghost hunt but still would give it a try with another shop if only to say it's impossible when it isn't happening. That goes with stuff in general that is working fine with nothing visibly obvious. Back: If this really does follow a 6 month plan to do this I say it's a weather aggravated something - a short that takes a period of time at the switch of seasons. A ghost as said, T
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Feb 18, 2013, 10:27 PM
Post #15 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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That price sounds steep off the top of my head. This wasn't too hard of a motor to deal with even with the blower on it. If the body isn't crunched up I'd say fix it and drive it. Bonneville has a nice ride to it and the blower gives it the balls to run on the highway without killing the wallet.
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Feb 18, 2013, 10:59 PM
Post #16 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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Just kinda echoing what everyone else is saying.... I don't know all the details are here & exactly what they are doing but $2400 is a little high for 6 injectors... There really are no other loads on that fuse, so if it keeps blowing, more than likely you have an injector going bad or a short in the harness somewhere... You can replace injectors by themselves... Really the determining factor is how long it take to get to them but if most are getting out of range as far as the resistance goes then even if they are accessable, then it would be a good idea to change them all out. What did they say was wrong with the injector/s?
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Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 19, 2013, 2:07 AM
Post #17 of 17
Re: Fuel Injector Fuse
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I haven't run into an injector that shorts out and blows a fuse as of yet. The injectors on most engines is isolated because of the o rings. An injector can have shorted windings and cause a computer driver to shut down if the current gets to high. Usually when you have shorted injector windings the engine will have a misfire. Have someone current ramp the injectors or compare their resistances if you think an injector is causing an issue. $2400 for 6 multec injectors is a rip off. Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.
(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Feb 19, 2013, 2:19 AM)
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