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Help! Squeak/squeel that I can't find!

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Oct 14, 2011, 3:49 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1501 views)
Help! Squeak/squeel that I can't find! Sign In

Okay guys. This one is hurting my brain (perhaps I haven't had enough beer yet). I have a:
2008 Ford Explorer, 4WD V6 (4.0) with 110,000 miles.

A few days ago I noticed a pulsating squeak under the hood.
The squeak comes in intervals farther apart (roughly 120 squeaks a minute) starting at 1700rpms. By the time you get to 2000rpms the intervals are fast, at least double the squeaks at 1700rpms, if not more. By 2500rpms its a squeal.

Today I had a chance to work on it, I popped the hood and said, "idler pulley." Changed it out and nothing changed. Well, I starting scratching my head and said, "ah ha! Belt tensioner." To my surprise, after replacing it, that wasn't it either.

After those two replacements I am stumped. Could it be the belt itself? That doesn't make sense to me, it is in decent condition. It isn't missing any chunks that I can tell. Luck would have it I sprayed some WD-40 on there and it went a away for a little bit.
I am fairly certain it isn't a bearing, now. Everything is looking really good under the hood and a couple new parts later I am just stumped.

I have some pretty decent ears on my head and I initially thought the sound was coming directly from the idler puller. Well, that wasn't the case, but it still seems to be in that general area.

Any Suggestions?

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Oct 14, 2011, 4:51 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1484 views)
Re: Help! Squeak/squeel that I can't find! Sign In

Take the belt off and run the engine to see if the squeak goes away. That will tell you if it has something to do with an accessory or pulley.

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New User

Oct 15, 2011, 4:25 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1457 views)
Re: Help! Squeak/squeel that I can't find! Sign In

It was the darn belt! Got a new one for $17 and no more mice squeaking! :)

So simple of an issue, I didn't even think it could be true.


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