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Honda Airwave lights flickering, engine "bumpy", especially on cold engine

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Oct 13, 2017, 12:58 AM

Post #1 of 2 (1564 views)
Honda Airwave lights flickering, engine "bumpy", especially on cold engine Sign In

Please help me figure out what the heck is wrong with my car!

Car: Honda Airwave 2006, 1.5 litre engine, front-wheel drive. I bought it in 2014 when it was imported (second-hand) to New Zealand and have maintained it well since: regular services, wheels aligned, whatever the mechanic asks I do.

But here's the problem.

Soon after buying it front light died - mechanic replaced it. 6 months later front light died again, not sure if it was the same side or not - got it replaced. A couple of months later - front light died again, replaced.

My mechanic sent me to an auto electrician to see if there were power surges which were killing lights. Electrician said he ran a full check on the car and everything looked normal.

By that point the engine started running "bumpy" on cold frosty mornings: for the first 5-10 minutes it would "lurk" forwards and backwards. The problem would disappear when engine warmed up; and then appear again when starting the engine cold.

My mechanic was pulling his hair out trying to figure out what the heck was wrong, the car was at his shop several times. His brother (also a mechanic) suggested changing the oil to fully synthetic even though the car specs didn't actually ask for it and... weirdly enough, when synthetic oil got put in, the problem disappeared.

Didn't have a problem for 2 years until a month ago, I took it to another mechanic (I've moved towns) for oil change (alongside other maintenance stuff that was due: filters etc) AND IT'S BLOODY BACK AGAIN!!!

Running the car in the mornings: it's jerky, kind of "lurks" backwards and forwards. In addition to that, due to moving towns I am constantly driving very short trips (4 minutes each) so the engine very rarely warms up properly.

Lights are flickering, and I mean all of them: headlights, rear parklights, inside ceiling light, the lot. Yesterday I connected my iPod to the sound system through the cigarette lighter and the iPod died.

I'm not a mechanic, so I can't fix it myself. But I need to figure out who to take the car to so they can figure out what the heck is wrong with it!

When I had this "bumpiness" problem 2 years ago it was quite expensive going between mechanics and then auto electrician, because whilst the problem itself disappeared none of them could actually see anything wrong with the car to know what had caused it.

And now I feel like I'm due to start running between mechanics again, and I would love if it 1) wasn't as expensive as last time, 2) and if it was expensive at least someone would figure out why.

If you have ideas, can you please throw them at me?

Then when I take her to the mechanic and auto electrician next week I can have a list of things I can make sure get checked. Because if everyone again starts saying that battery is fine, electrics are fine, everything else is fine - WHERE DO WE LOOK!?

Replies much, much appreciated.

Wanting to pull hair out,

New User

Oct 13, 2017, 1:27 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1552 views)
Re: Honda Airwave lights flickering, engine "bumpy", especially on cold engine Sign In

Edited to add: I understand that it may not actually be connected to the oil change, but is it possible something happened DURING oil change last time (which fixed the problem) and now again (which returned the problem)? Someone tightened/loosened alternator wires? Anything else?

And PS. The mechanic who changed oil this time swears he put in fully synthetic oil.


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