Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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Sep 4, 2019, 7:13 PM
Post #1 of 10
Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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Hi, I have a Hyundai Tucson 2012 GL(base model). My radiator cooling fan motor died and I am replacing the cooling fan assembly. I disconnected the electrical connector and took out the screws. The fan assembly is now loose. Unfortunately, I see no way of removing it from the car. Does anyone have experience with this particular car? I watched videos on other cars and those seemed much easier. Any help is appreciated.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Sep 5, 2019, 1:33 AM
Post #2 of 10
Re: Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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You mean the entire fan assembly to replace or motor fan only mounted in it? Can be either way but most you would take whole thing out intact up or DOWN and out. What's in the way is the game. Cooling system hose, trans cooling lines and anything in the way. Down what splash shields. You should be able to name the items in the way also know how to move those as needed. Not the world just things get involved fast. Small and assorted tools as needed are just expected. Just one warning on fan motors - any at all if removing a fan off the motor is involved or must be, do know direction of rotation of the nut or fastener on them many are CC = counter clockwise to tighten and vs verse - don't snap those off! I'll let you hunt the WWW just beware it must be exactly your job, your exact engine, trans, cooling system or some silly thing makes it different. Same as most things (an old saying>) "measure twice, cut once" so you don't screw it all up and have to do it all over more new parts, T
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Sep 5, 2019, 3:56 AM
Post #3 of 10
Re: Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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Hi Tom, Thank you for your reply. I mean the assembly: motor, shroud, blades. I took off shields from the bottom thinking I was going to get it out that way. Radiator lines are not really in the way. The problem is there's a support both directly over and under this fan assembly so the fan either has go back or forward. Going back there's not enough space before I hit the engine. In front is the radiator. I'm hoping I don't have to remove the radiator...
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Sep 5, 2019, 5:02 AM
Post #4 of 10
Re: Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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Getting there. Whole assembly - understood. Even if/when just a part of that or motor it usually has to come out. May have to come WITH radiator. The supports you mention in the way are they bolted on or welded such that those stay with the body of vehicle? Bolted things can come out if what I'm thinking. Trans lines out of the way could save time but not if radiator comes with it. There are specific step by step procedures I'm avoiding looking any up that may have errors to mess you up. Can't beat being right there seeing the scene - any obstacles that are maybe sticky, corroded or previously fixed or done with slight changes just to finish it up. Keep at it seem now forget to another something about CC nuts and bolts you have an assembly (good) so shouldn't be messing with that. If you do heed to drain coolant, remove other lines know what they are and how to leave them undone, exposed and not leak more than necessary then how to put back and refill properly. There's lots of stuff packed it vehicles of all types. If A/C lines, wires or harness involved pay attention. IF, IF! If somehow A/C has to be discharge this just got more involved seriously. Just know if so or not it changes the whole game don't even just undo A/C lines without being ready for that plus know that too how to deal with. If so that may be a stopper for you personally for equipment to complete this as IDK how extensive you are or ready for what hassles all could be normal for this stuff or lucky and not too much to stop a DIY replacement. Back to the first step of anything: ARE YOU CERTAIN this fan/motor is in fact needed at all or just doesn't work? Diagnosis is always first so you don't do this and be total waste! Tom
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Sep 5, 2019, 5:24 AM
Post #5 of 10
Re: Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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Yeah the fan motor not working is causing my engine to overheat when stopped. When moving the temperature is good. The supports are welded. I found the repair manual. It looks like I have to drain the radiator, pull the hoses, remove air cleaner assembly and then pull out the fan. I thought about removing the air cleaner last night but it didn't seem like it would help. I'm going to try tonight after work and report back if I'm successful.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Sep 5, 2019, 5:47 AM
Post #6 of 10
Re: Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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OK: Be patient and another snag YOU found. Radiator in YOUR manual (I trust that more than what I might find) notice hose clamps - now? Those ARE NOT easy to remove?? Even removed now don't crack or break off neck to radiator! Have a catch pan for a wild rush of coolant when time! This is normal bull and tons of tools or stuff to do simple things. Filling this all back up it's another whole snag don't rush! Separate subject within this. It overheated is the deadly problem unknown now if that caused just unreal other problems may not know unless you go back or when this is finished and find out there's damage. When quitting for a time like air cleaner parts do protect exposed stuff with something so it doesn't be a problem later. It's all normal friend and doable - said it starts with being sure this still even needs what you are doing it overheated should have been fully diagnosed if that caused more damage or if the fan will not work because of overheating or was the cause. THAT'S the real important part of almost any job! Tom
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Sep 8, 2019, 6:20 AM
Post #7 of 10
Re: Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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Okay so the job's done. I'm going to write below what I had to do in case anyone ever needs to do this on this car. (Directions like right or left are assuming you are standing in front of car looking at engine.) 1) With car off and cold, disconnect battery, neg lead, then positive lead. Jack car up at the front. Jack stands or ramps will be needed. Car needs to be up so that you can make enough space to pull the fan out the bottom. 2) Remove the shield on the underside of the car. It's held on by screws and black tabs. I used a flathead to pull out the center of the black tab. Then you can pull the rest of the tab out. Screws are tight. Use a power tool if you have it. 3) Drain the radiator coolant. There's a drain plug on the left bottom of the radiator. Just unscrew it with your hand. Be ready to catch the coolant. Undo the radiator cap. Undo the reservoir cap but there's no need to drain reservoir. 3) Okay, now from the top we need to take the entire air cleaner assembly off. 4) Pull plastic air duct on the right side up to remove. Nothing is holding it in place, just gravity and shape. 5) Take off air intake hose between the left side and the right side of the air cleaner. This hose is held on by a clamp. It can be loosened using a phillips screwdriver. 6) Take off the two vacuum hoses at the back from the air cleaner assembly. They are held by hose clamps. You will need pliers or channel locks. 7) Take off the right side of the air cleaner assembly which is the housing holding the air filter. The housing top is held on only by clips you can remove with your thumbs. 8) The bottom of the housing is screwed on with one screw on the right side. Once this screw is removed, you should be able to pull it out. It takes some pulling. 9) Remove the left side of the air cleaner assembly from the engine by undoing another air intake hose that looks like the previous one. 10) The only thing left now of the air cleaner is the bottom. It is held onto a support beam by 3 screws. Two screws are on the left side of it, one at the bottom which you will need to remove from the underside of the car. 11) Once the air cleaner has been removed, undo the ATF cooling hoses from the radiator (These are small diameter hoses that cool transmission fluid). Get ready to catch some transmission fluid. Only the transmission fluid in the hose really leaks out but it doesn't hurt to buy some fluid ahead of time in case you need to add some. I did not need to add any. 12) Undo the bottom radiator hose between the engine and the radiator. The upper radiator hose can stay on. 13) Now for the fan. Undo the electrical connector from the fan. It has a little tab on one side you can push on. 14) Unscrew the fan assembly. Two screws. One on either side. 15) You should have a good bit of space on the right of the engine compartment now since the air cleaner assembly is off. The idea is to pull the fan assembly back towards the engine and to the right towards where the air cleaner was. As you go right towards the air cleaner, it's useful to start trying to rotate downwards. The fan shroud is the thickest part of the assembly so this is the part we're trying to bring down and out of the car first. This is NOT easy and having a second person is very helpful because this car is so tight ... 16) In my case, there was a hose on the underside of the car that I kept hitting while trying to pull fan out. I had to take it off. It had some coolant in it. Not sure what it went to. It may have been installed too long on my car so you may be okay but keep an eye out. Struggle until the fan assembly is out. 17) put the other assembly in from the bottom just like you took this one out. put it in place and screw it on. Plug in the electrical connector to it. 18) Reassemble everything except the underside engine cover. Screw drain plug back on radiator if you haven't already. 19) Fill radiator with coolant slowly. Let level drop some as air escapes, then add some more until it stops dropping. Turn on your car and let it idle for a while. Add more coolant as the level may have dropped. Add coolant to reservoir to Full line. Close reservoir. Let run for a while. Check coolant level in reservoir to make sure it's still full. I recommend keeping a bottle of coolant in your car just in case you find it drops when you go out. Check to make sure coolant is not dripping from the bottom of the car. 20) Put engine underside cover back on. You're done! Additional notes: Having two people work on it make life much easier. Having a flexible hose clamp set of pliers make it much easier because of the limited access in this engine compartment. Be careful not to put too much pressure on the radiator when taking the fan out. Having a power driver is good for some screws that are very tight. Having an attachment on the driver that extends the bit is helpful as well. Having some extra coolant is useful. Having some transmission fluid is good in case you need to add. I did not add any. The place to add the fluid is near where the ATF cooling hoses are connected (not on the radiator but on what the hoses go to). Hope this helps someone. It's not easy getting this stupid fan out because some Hyundai engineer decided he needed to save 2 inches of space for some reason and made a very short engine compartment.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Sep 8, 2019, 6:39 AM
Post #8 of 10
Re: Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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Thanks for that I'm sure took some time and effort just for that. Note to #19? Filling coolant back up should be VERY careful and really know it's full you really can't. Many it's either vacuum fill (more tools) or front up high as you can, can also work AYOR all about it. Do recheck it EVERY time it cycles now from cold to fully warm several times! There just are at least some air pockets that will show lower level (cold check best) at tank a few or more times. Watch temp and or if any doubt run heater (open windows if wrong timing for that) if erratic there's air inside so stop till it's really full that's a super clue it isn't. Smile - I thought it would be out thru the bottom just a glance you know all that was together for assembly new wasn't done from the top is common. One more: Ramps? Please take all care with those if used. Hard surface, level and seriously block wheels. Still put stands despite in your way not worth getting crushed. Thanks again for listing out how it worked for you this follow up is just to prove it out so you can finally call the job fixed and no more guessing, Tom
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Sep 8, 2019, 6:43 AM
Post #9 of 10
Re: Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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For the record, left or right is always determined from the driver's seat. Thinking otherwise can get you a lot of incorrect parts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Sep 8, 2019, 6:44 AM)
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Sep 8, 2019, 6:46 AM
Post #10 of 10
Re: Hyundai Tucson radiator fan removal
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