Anonymous Poster
Jan 25, 2009, 12:38 PM
Post #1 of 2
Jeep dies now and again
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Ok so my 1975 jeep J-10 pu with a 360 will run just fine and all of a sudden just die. My wife tells me that some times she has trouble re-starting it but when it happened to me the truck died and came back on in a few seconds. I have replaced the coil, Fuel pump, and will be replacing the carb soon how ever it seems to me like it may be a short some where. I started the truck and jumped under the dash and gently tugged on wires to see if I could duplicate the problem and nothing. I also did the same under the hood and still nothing. could it be a voltage regulator or something like that that is trying to go out and works intermitantly?
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator
Jan 25, 2009, 1:56 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: Jeep dies now and again
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That was quite the vintage for AMC and Jeep! Seems they used whatever components they got the best deal on and changed things mid model years on anything they felt like. 360 - perhaps a Mopar?? International?? The Mopar used a "hall" effect distributor for it's electronic ign if I recall and sometimes just blowing compressed air to get dust, dirt and cobwebs out could fix odd problems like that. Would be better if it would stay down for you long enough to really see what's is missing - spark or could this be a fuel problem?? T
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