Leak Inside car (Driver's side)
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Sep 15, 2012, 3:28 AM
Post #1 of 3
Leak Inside car (Driver's side)
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Make Pontiac Model Sunbird (granny car) Year 1992 4 door Issue: I know this is an A/c Related issue so I will start from there. When the A/c is run ( and I live in Florida so no avoiding this), by the time my car is in park and turned off, I will come back to him several hours later, open my door and be greeted by a pungent mildew odor and a puddle of water on the driver's side floor mat. At first I through it was rain water, since this issue started during the rainy season. So I kept him in the garage to be dry all the time, until on dry days when A/C was running that is when it clicked. I felt under the driver's side panels feeling no water what so ever, as if there was not an actual leak causing this, but perhaps a (seepage). The smell was the same as a car sitting in a swamp and taken out to dry..it is terrible. I had noticed the elbow joint piece that runs the A/C water line out to the pan was missing, and going down into the vehicle itself. I had an amateur mechanic replace the part and spent 2 days blowing out my car with hot air and deodorizers, I thought all my troubles were over.. 4 days went by and the carpet was DRY, the car smelt like a dream.. then BAM! I am sitting in a puddle of stinky water yet again. Here is the repair prior that may be causing an issue: Thermostat was removed due to car over heating.. I don't know if it's vital to have one in place, but it's chucked out for good. I know they are cheap but I am in fear of him over heating on me again. I have basic knowledge of cars enough to know what goes where and what function part perform, yet when it comes to A/C lines, anything coolant related.. I'm a complete moron on this topic. I see a lot of people having this issue of water pooling on the passenger side, but hardly anything on the Driver's side. Any and all advice is a HUGE help. Even though the car is not a sleek sexy sportster, it gets me to and from work and I can't live with out him. Appreciated, -C
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Sep 15, 2012, 4:03 AM
Post #2 of 3
Re: Leak Inside car (Driver's side)
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Your condensation is not draining and leaking into the car. Thee could be a few reasons for this including a damaged tray under the dash. The pan will have to be removed to examine it. My image hosting site is down right now so I can't give you ay pictures. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 15, 2012, 7:51 AM
Post #3 of 3
Re: Leak Inside car (Driver's side)
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Quote ">>Thermostat was removed due to car over heating.. I don't know if it's vital to have one in place, but it's chucked out for good.<<" You will not need to worry about the water on floor or odor if you leave that out for the damage it probably already has. Leaving t-stat out just satisfies your gauge or warning light perhaps but it has a problem to be fixed. T-stat out means the coolant in engine is flowing too much at the water pump side and maybe no or little flow at far end from it where it's cooking away highly likely to warp engine gaskets, head(s) and you'd be done with this car. Condensate water when A/C is in use should still be seen actively dripping to ground and if not with A/C working then why not is the issue. If the condensate drain was missing it is probably because somebody was checking in there for a problem once before. Most condensate leaks will find the passenger's floor if it can't drain to ground but could travel depending on what is plugged or broken and where. What do you want to do with this car? No engine you'll have no A/C so make up your mind on this whether to fix these things or bail out, T
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