Need help with 97 Nissan Altima GXE
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New User
Aug 6, 2009, 10:26 AM
Post #1 of 4
Need help with 97 Nissan Altima GXE
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Hi, I am the second owner of a 97 Nissan Altima GXE with an automatic transmission. Bought it in April 2007 and haven't had any issues except brake rotor and pad replacement. The details of the car are as follows: Make: 97 Nissan Altima GXE 4Cyl. Mileage:28/34 Miles:95000 Recently while driving I lost power. Could not get any acceleration while pressing on the gas pedal although the engine was running. The RPM did not increase either. The brakes suddenly felt jammed and I couldn't apply brakes. The brake light on the dashboard was lit although the handbrakes were not applied. I was on a downward slope with no power and no brakes. I rolled down the hill and stopped using the handbrakes. Got the car towed to a mechanic. At the mechanic's shop the car was runing fine. The guy agreed to have a look at the car. He acknowledged the problem and said it was intermittent but could not point out a reason why. Any suggestion would be greatly helpful. Thanks SJ
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/ Moderator

Aug 6, 2009, 12:22 PM
Post #2 of 4
Re: Need help with 97 Nissan Altima GXE
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There is really not much info to go off of.... Did the tech check for codes & find any? If so what were they...... As far as the brakes go, that can be relate to the engine problem. The car uses a vacuum power booster or the brakes & with no vacuum goin to it the pedal will feel like it does when you press on it with the engine off. Intermittens can be hard to track down...... The one clue you seemed to provide it whatever is going on it seems to be affecting engine vacuum. I would probably start with the basic's check air intake & exhaust for problems but those are usually not intermittens.........
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Anonymous Poster
Aug 7, 2009, 4:01 AM
Post #3 of 4
Re: Need help with 97 Nissan Altima GXE
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Hi, Thanks for the tip. The diagnostic error code is 703 which is supposedly means that the ratio of the 1st gear to the 2nd gear is off. Could you please give me some idea whether the transmission can be repaired or do I need to buy a new one. SJ
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/ Moderator

Aug 7, 2009, 12:40 PM
Post #4 of 4
Re: Need help with 97 Nissan Altima GXE
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Going off what you've said, I doubt you need a new transmission.... Intermittens are tough to track down. Your problem really sounds like an electrical issue and that code could just be a byproduct of the electrical problem..... There is only so much you can do online and an intermitten electrical problem is tough enough to track down with car in front of you... What you can do is check the basics, battery, cables, connections make sure all are clean. It wouldn't hurt to take the ground cables & straps of & clean the contact areas.... After that try to find a shop strong in electrical & diagnosis and give them all the info. If you don't know of one, talk to friends & neighbors, you can go to ase.com or iatn.net (don't forget the Ws) and use their shop locators, check out the BBB. Just remember the best shop for the job won't be the cheapest.... upfront but may turn out to be in the long run....if you factor in down time of the car and other stuff......... Hope this helps a little
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