
Dec 26, 2009, 3:38 PM
Post #1 of 7
No warm start
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89 190E 2.6 mercedes after repairing a bad ovp wire and replaceing the ovp it self. The car would start and run fine it would idle to fast play with that and got the idle down but now it won't start when it warm it start good cold. But after it warm up forget it, it turn over good can hear the fuel pumps What do I look for?
(This post was edited by Sidom on Dec 26, 2009, 4:01 PM)
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Dec 26, 2009, 4:03 PM
Post #2 of 7
Re: No warm start
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You should start with the basics and see what you're missing spark or fuel to see which direction that will lead you. I'm assuming you replaced the over voltage protect relay with a new one & not used....
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Dec 26, 2009, 6:25 PM
Post #3 of 7
Re: No warm start
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The OVP is used the fuse is good and seem to be working. The car start and run good cold but warm it turn over but won't start it act like there no spark , I hear the fuel pumps working but it won't start there are no wires unplug or broke. The only other thing I did was adjust the accelerator cable it had a to fast a idle it was ok before that I don't know what to look for
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Dec 26, 2009, 6:38 PM
Post #4 of 7
Re: No warm start
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Like Sidom said earlier, while the car won't start, you need to check fuel pressure with a guage, check spark at plugs with a spark tester, check injector pulse with a noid light. Even though a fuel pump makes noise, it doesn't mean it's putting out the right fuel pressure or volume. These tests are standard in the industry for all no-starts that crank over fine. Steve
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Dec 26, 2009, 8:20 PM
Post #5 of 7
Re: No warm start
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What can I do at home ? let start with spark let say it has spark when cold but not when warm what would I look for ? I can check and see if it has spark but I has a feelingit not. what can be check with a VOM ? is there anything I could have done when adjusting the idle ? there just no way to take to a shop. I think it be somthing simple but need a starting point.
(This post was edited by gatliff on Dec 27, 2009, 6:51 AM)
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Dec 26, 2009, 8:28 PM
Post #6 of 7
Re: No warm start
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We need to know what system(s) are affected. If you have fuel pressure, injector pulse, and no spark, you would check the ignition circuit. Ignition module, coil, cap, rotor, plug wires, etc... If you have fuel pressure, no injector pulse, and no spark, you would suspect a tach signal problem. Now, we would look at a pickup, or a crank sensor. Depending on what you have and don't have determines what "diagnostic road" to go down. If all of the systems are not checked, the odds of misdiagnosis is high. This is when the wrong parts get installed causing a lot of wasted time and money. Steve
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