P0300 showing all six cylanders misfiring
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Jul 24, 2019, 6:25 PM
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P0300 showing all six cylanders misfiring
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Hello, so i know this is a shot in the dark, but my car recently starting misfiring the other day and obviously gave the infamous p0300. I know this is very broad, but im hoping someone can point me in the right direction with the details im about to give. First of all its an older audi(2004 audi a6 3.0 c5). But i bottomed out last week and cracked my oil pan and temporarily patched it with JB weld. A couple days after i started to feel a slight misfire. Then after about two days of slight misfire it went to full blown flashing check engine light. At first i assumed possibly spark plugs or coils, but i had them replaced last year after minor misfire last year. I definity had huge vacuum leak from a hose that lead to a vaccuum canister and just replaced hose. But that didnt stop it. Next i tried the MAF sensor. I unplugged it while car was running and it instantly smoothed out the rough idle. I got excited in hopes that was the problem. But it still misfired during acceleration. I talked to a friend of mine and he said possibly the MAF sensor was the main reason for showing all six cylanders to misfire and now i might have a bad coil or plugs causing the acceleration problem and now it will be easier to have codes ran and now i can narrow it down to which cylanders. Had them cleared and figured id drive around and come back. But it definitely didnt go as planned, all of a sudden i notced the rough idle was back and alittle bit of smoke i stopped the car and noticed my driverside 02 sensor on my first cat was red hot and smoking! Annddd this basically seals the deal on me playing YouTube mechanic. I got advice from sisters boyfriend(audi mechanic) he said the only reason it smoothed out when i unplugged the MAF is because i basically confused the system and now it went in to default mode and a good amount went into catylac converter and i probably almost started a fire. He said that MAF sensor was basically protecting it from putting a bunch of fuel in there. Does all of this sound somewhat right?(i know im probably translating this incorrectly). Im hoping the catylac converter is still okay(i dont smell that sulfur odor). Also through all of this ive had almost zero lose of power. Im obviously taking it to a shop tomorrow because this is beyond me. But he said i could plug the MAF sensor back in and i should continue vto look for vaccuum leaks. Im just curious if anyone had any input or could mentally prepare me for what im in for when i bring it to the shop.
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