SAAB with rough idle and other issues
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Aug 14, 2015, 2:34 PM
Post #1 of 6
SAAB with rough idle and other issues
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2007 SAAB 9-2 2.0 180K Miles Hello all - SAAB 9-3 2007 Car ran fine for a year or so after I purchased it used. It then started having a problem where it started, then turned off within 2 seconds. Typically it would then turn over and stay on after the second try. Would occasionally do this and no other problems. Months passed and slowly the car would shudder when at high speeds when I wanted to accelerate. Thought it may be the spark plugs, replaced those but no change. Today when coming home from work the car still does the shudder when at high speeds but now it has a very rough idle. When accelerating from idle, it is very jumpy and has low power. It is getting worse and I am not quite sure what to do about it. What makes it worse is that the engine light never comes on so I am in the dark on how to troubleshoot. It came on once and my reader shot back that the code was invalid. What is the cheapest way to go about this for now? If it's something serious, I simply cannot afford it right now and will have to get a rental. Any help is appreciated!!
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Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Aug 14, 2015, 5:43 PM
Post #2 of 6
Re: SAAB with rough idle and other issues
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From what your wrote it appears you have misfiring going on. Does the check engine light bulb check when you turn the ignition on? Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.
(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Aug 14, 2015, 5:43 PM)
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Aug 15, 2015, 8:42 AM
Post #3 of 6
Re: SAAB with rough idle and other issues
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Discrete - Yes, I do believe it is a misfiring engine. I went out this morning and did some more troubleshooting.. I went and bought some seafoam and added half to the gas and oil. I also added some more 0W-40 oil and cleaned the air filter. The car immediately felt better but was not 100%. I took it to the highway and gunned it 100%... This and only this...is the only way for me to get the engine light to come on and blink. It blinks while I'm at high speeds and goes out when I stop. I grab my reader and hook it up while it blinks and it scans and spits back a pending fault. I hit enter on the scanner and it says 1/1 N/A. I drive for several miles and gun the car to get the code to come back and still the same thing. Blinking light, pending fault but it gives N/A. It never ever gives a proper engine code. Does this point to a faulty sensor? The car will sometimes go into this extreme loss of power mode and if I clear the computer it bounces back to a normal car. I checked the timing belt and it looks pretty good. I believe this may have been replaced right before I purchase the car 2 years ago. Any ideas? THANKS for your help!
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Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Aug 15, 2015, 8:48 AM
Post #4 of 6
Re: SAAB with rough idle and other issues
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The blinking check engine light does signify the engine computer is detecting a catalyst damaging misfire. You might need to try a different scan tool or code reader to actually see what code it might be storing. The reason you need this code(s) is to find out what cylinder(s) are having the issue. From there you can figure out if you have an ignition, fuel, or mechanical issue causing the miss in that particular cylinder. From my experience most misfires when the engine is under heavy load is due to an ignition related problem. Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.
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Aug 15, 2015, 12:18 PM
Post #5 of 6
Re: SAAB with rough idle and other issues
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Thanks. My mechanic is on vacation until next week I will wait till he is back and see if he can get a more accurate reading for me.
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Aug 17, 2015, 8:22 AM
Post #6 of 6
Re: SAAB with rough idle and other issues
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Some more info to add... I went out and looked at the hoses for leaks and came across something. Down from my oil filter in the front right hand corner of the car is this.... http://m.imgur.com/5859X0E,keZypL9,XkV8hCz **3 IMAGES IN THE LINK** If you look closely, they rubber tubing is cracked and loose from the connection. And you can obviously see that it's covered in oil. Does anyone know what this is and if it could be causing the issues that I am having? Thanks
(This post was edited by BobbyBaltimore on Aug 17, 2015, 8:24 AM)
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