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Someone Help me with my 88 Nissan Pathfinder 6 cil.

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Anonymous Poster

Dec 17, 2006, 12:44 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1421 views)
post icon Someone Help me with my 88 Nissan Pathfinder 6 cil. Sign In

Please Help, my baby is sick! Recently the car wouldn't start and some guys came to help me jump my car. Well they unfortunately hooked up the jumper cables wrong, that night the headlights, break lights, internal lights, dash lights and blinker wouldn't work, but after driving for about 5 minutes they all turned on, every now and then it will turn back on when I drive for a long time... Well today I checked all fuses that I can think of and changed all burnt ones, there were two burnt out since that day and it was the cigarette lighter fuse and the fuse on the stereo, (the one located in the back of stereo). So I cleaned any corrosion an the battery, tightened battery cables, and bought a new battery, and still the car keeps reseting and the electrical system turns on only when it feels like it! Grrrr please save me and my love... Thank you

mike o
Anonymous Poster

Dec 28, 2006, 12:27 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1402 views)
Re: Someone Help me with my 88 Nissan Pathfinder 6 cil. Sign In

well you should take it to a shop but here are some ideas you have fuse links off your battery that need to be checked the are for your main relay,mixture heater relay,safety relay,and ignition switch.Your head lights are fused sepertaly so I would be looking into your fuse link for the ign. switch and your multi-function switch[head light switch]but don't forget about your fuse links let me know if this helps


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