
New User
Apr 2, 2010, 3:39 AM
Post #1 of 2
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Our 87 Toyota Tercel wagon, 1.5 lt 5-speed has a mind of it's own. Two months ago, it wouldn't start, so we got a new ignition cylinder lock w?keys. It worked three weeks. We returned the part back to Auto Zone. We purchased a new one from Napa Auto parts. We installed it in their parkng lot, no start. The next 8 days it would start, then it became a hit or miss situation. Can anyone give me any ideas whats going on? I'm tired of playing the Flntstone family.
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/ Moderator

Apr 2, 2010, 8:03 AM
Post #2 of 2
Please do not take this wrong , You need to stop throwing parts at it and do a little diagostics. Next tiime it pulls its trick have a test light ready.I doubt you have 2 bad ign sw from different parts houses . Next to check would be the clutch safety sw on the clutch pedal. Make sure the plunger isnt sticking.. all ok? Go to starter , check that all wires are clean & tight, check at batt also. When it is no start , check for power at small wire on starter.If pwr there have helper hold key in start/clutch in . At same time give starter a moderate rap with hammer. if it starts replace starter.
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