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Window stuck down

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Jun 2, 2011, 10:32 AM

Post #1 of 4 (2552 views)
Window stuck down Sign In

2002 Pontaic Montana minivan, driver window stuck down. I stuck a voltmeter in the wiring harness and I get the same voltage whether the switch is going up or down so I know its the motor not the switch. The problem is, is that being it's an expensive job I need to put it off for a while but I need the window to be up so no-one steals the car. It's not a cable regulator it has 2 metal arms and when tried to wiggle the glass there was no play. Any suggestions? thanks in advance

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jun 2, 2011, 11:09 AM

Post #2 of 4 (2548 views)
Re: 02 Montana - Window stuck down Sign In

Get the door panel off and if possible check for power on plug going to motor at closest plug you can get at. If nothing there to just that window's motor add power to one and ground to the other - one way is for up and switch for down. Choose UP of course. If that works it's wiring or switch.

Gives you time to scope out just what you need to check out. Not all that uncommon if motor is good and no power that wiring is broken in snorkel of where they bend at door jam.

You'll see if things are riveted (likely) to get a it or what if the motor is declared bad. I really doubt if power is there you can give it a love tap in a chance to get it to go up then leave it up and toss the motor if so. The large rivots if so require a different gun to put new ones in that's larger than common ones. Can be pricey if that for that tool.

Retired but did more Ford products than even popular GMs so not sure what you'll find to get it up.

If taking time to diagnose exactly see what you can do without breaking things to get the glass off the regulator and prop it up with wood or something you can dream up.

Whacked but you can check a motor off car with household 9v battery and jumpers. That's just enough to make most of them turn most of the time. Have had to do that in get your own stuff in junkyards as I don't want to leave with a bad one.

Regular test light and jumper wire should be all you need to diagnose this - I hope,



Jun 2, 2011, 12:03 PM

Post #3 of 4 (2540 views)
Re: 02 Montana - Window stuck down Sign In

Thanks for the quick reply. I know the motor is bad because the harness that leads directly to the motor has 2 wires, one shows 14v when the switch is pushed up, the other shows 14v when the switch is being pulled down so I know there is power for up going into the motor. I tried to tap the motor while there was power to get it up, no luck. I tried to wiggle the glass to loosen it from the track, there's some funny attachment not a rivet but some rubber bracket or something that's clipped into the track that squeezes the glass I couldn't figure it out and the other attachment is concealed behind the motor.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jun 2, 2011, 12:29 PM

Post #4 of 4 (2534 views)
Re: 02 Montana - Window stuck down Sign In

Remember that even with power at wiring the other must be ground or nothing happens. Basics (sorry) should have a ground wire thru door jam too not counting on just the hinge.

Glass to regulator may be super sticky tar like crap or possible that it could be released somehow - need your eyes and judgement. Too much or the tracks and things are spot welded or riveted IMO in later stuff.

Test once more powering test light like backwards so it will light on grounds.

Other: Great time to waste a can of WD-40 when in there on back side of door latch, door handle and key lock - and grease (spray white lithium is good) where anything rolls in a track. Plain silicone that dries on the rubber of track that holds the glass in place as the felt gets worn off the clean glass to plain rubber can get real sticky for the motor to fight with.

Use care when you get an approach if/when motor is to come out. Some may have a sudden spring action so just careful.

Side note: I bet you don't want to waste time or risk it but you can take most motors apart and the problem is frequently brushes contact which can just be cleaned off with what I call "emery" cloth sandpaper and some last a long time and some don't. If body of motor is crimped and not bolts don't bother - too fussy to get those apart.

This would be so much easier if window was stuck in up position but it happens and you can get thru it when they are stuck down,



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