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car juddering,please help

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Jul 7, 2011, 11:06 AM

Post #1 of 6 (2450 views)
car juddering,please help Sign In

hi,just bought a new car and i am having REALLY bad luck,i know the basic's on car but not the clever Sh!t lol !
The car is a baby 1994.. 1.4... 3 door ford escort.

The car is really gutsy and is having problems even getting to 75mph !

OK where do i start.the car has an after market air filter on which is really dirty and tatty,it is judering alot when you put your foot down ( it drive ok going slow until you get the revs up ) then the judering starts,i am guessing its the air filter or air flow sensor ? or maybe the injectors dirty ?? the key barrel went today so need a new one to.but when thats sorted i really want to sort this issue out with the juddering.i took off the air filter cone completly and it still was juddering.if you have any idea's or test that i could try this would be much appreciated as its not fun to drive at the moment.when ticking over it kept stalling due to low revs ( so i twisted the rev screw to gove it more revs when ticking over and this did work.but when driving it is still jeddering.i am sure its not a big problem but i just cant figure it out ! i was worried about the piston rings but 90% sure it would nt be that ? PLEASE HELP :)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 7, 2011, 5:01 PM

Post #2 of 6 (2431 views)
Re: car juddering,please help Sign In

Plenty should be checked out, tune up items especially. Spark plugs and wires possible. All plugs should look about the same. Does it feel like just one cylinder or random?

Put the original air cleaner back if you meant the housing.

How old or miles on timing belt? That needs to be checked and known good. I doubt this is piston rings or it or it would be smoking. Since you just got it do you have history on it?


New User

Jul 8, 2011, 5:24 AM

Post #3 of 6 (2415 views)
Re: car juddering,please help Sign In

its not smoking,would that redx stuff be worth a try ? having problems with my key barrel as its now gone i think,if i turn the key it turns for a bit and then stops dead,should it spring back ? i can get a key barrel and new keys but my key has that red chip bit,so is this going to be a big problem ? bloody cars !

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 8, 2011, 6:05 AM

Post #4 of 6 (2411 views)
Re: car juddering,please help Sign In

Let's figure out the "juddering" first. If this car has an air bag I won't advise on removing it to get at the lock cylinder. A mistake could make it go off when it shouldn't or not go of when it should so I won't go there.

Not sure what the whole problem is with the lock cylinder and it would have to be reset for a key with a chip or won't run. That can be defeated but suggest professionally. Yes, key should snap back when you let go of it to plain "run" position.

Back to the juddering: Need your observations if this is wheel, tire or brake issue or engine not running well. Because you said it had trouble getting up to highway speeds I was thinking drive train problems first. Don't be afraid of getting a professional diagnosis and decide how much of what you want to do.

You just got this so putting some bucks into it you benefit from the repairs and not just putting $$ into it to sell it,


New User

Jul 15, 2011, 6:23 AM

Post #5 of 6 (2379 views)
Re: car juddering,please help Sign In

i have bought a new after market air filter and a breather.when the breather is on the car it keeps wanting to konk out,then it does konk on ! still got the juddering and gutsy top end.i put some redex in my tank today so i will drive it the next few days to see if this does anything positive,its really getting me down,i just cant work out what it is,i am sure its somthing simple but i just cant figure it out.i sorted the key barrel,it was the wire clip,it had popped off on the otherside of the steering rack ! i have swopped the air flow meter for another and it did'nt make much of a diffenrence.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 15, 2011, 6:39 AM

Post #6 of 6 (2376 views)
Re: car juddering,please help Sign In

Don't count too much on magic in a bottle stuff. Swapping parts as a test is fine if you already have them but a waste if buying new unless real inexpensive items.

Try to get a code reading for this. Whatever the results could LEAD to the problem area or areas but don't take all code results as meaning for sure a certain part is bad, it could be something else putting up that code but you would know the area to check out,



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