car won't start, just clicks-has new starter
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New User
Aug 18, 2010, 8:44 AM
Post #1 of 8
car won't start, just clicks-has new starter
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I have a 1997 legacy 2.5 gt (yeah that one) and recently have had an ongoing problem. It occasionally won't start, engine just clicks and wont turn over. However, sometimes after an hour or so of trying, it will suddenly start. The problem is that 2 weeks ago I had the starter replaced, and the shop said for sure that the problem was the starter. I guess they were wrong, it was fine for 2 weeks, however today I went to start it and the same thing again! Prior to getting the starter replaced, I had AAA come and test the battery, alternator, clean the battery terminals....everything checked out fine.
The maddening thing is that it doesn't happen every time. Anyone know what it could be?
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Aug 18, 2010, 10:32 AM
Post #2 of 8
Re: car won't start, just clicks-has new starter
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Generally when you get a single click and no crank it's all about connections especially if it can snap out it as mentioned. Just because cables were cleaned doesn't mean they are good. There's also a ground wire from battery to engine block that has to be good as well. Like a chain - it's only as strong as the weakest link. Now - rapid fire sounds are usually low amps available from battery. Single click think connections that could even be hiddnen in bad wire, T
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New User
Aug 18, 2010, 2:39 PM
Post #3 of 8
Re: car won't start, just clicks-has new starter
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Thanks. I'll have them check all the battery wires. It sounds like a click or switch or something closer to the steering column, which i guess is close to the starter. There used to be a car alarm that would prevent the car from starting, supposedly they disabled this. But I wonder if part of that could be interfering with the starter. The difficult thing is thst in all likelihood when I bring the car to the shop, it will start. Today it started fine, but yesterday it wouldn't start twice. so you never know when its going to do it.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 18, 2010, 3:16 PM
Post #4 of 8
Re: car won't start, just clicks-has new starter
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If intermittent like that it will be hell to find. I wouldn't be surprised if an aftermarket alarm/anti-theft device interferred with enabling starter and a poor connection might not be sending even the relatively low amps to solenoid to engage starter. Chopped up wiring job or perhaps a lousy ignition switch. If it plain works while being tested it's going to be tough to find, T
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New User
Aug 18, 2010, 3:49 PM
Post #5 of 8
Re: car won't start, just clicks-has new starter
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Yeah tell me about it. This will be the 3rd time the car will be in this shop, they are probably really getting sick of seeing my car. But since I already paid them $330 for the initial new starter installation I feel like I need to keep bringing it there or get a refund since the problem is still there. Either way it isn't the starter. I feel like I need to call car talk! Maybe I just need a new battery? It does seem like the solenoid might not be getting enough charge, or something like it. Or maybe ignition switch like you said. I wonder if there is still some part of the alarm system that is interfering. There is a small toggle switch down under the steering column on the left, that was part of disengaging the alarm when it went off. Since I didn't know how to turn off the alarm, I would have to flip this switch back and forth while turning the key to eventually get it to start. It seems like this still might be having an effect, but hard to tell.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 18, 2010, 4:30 PM
Post #6 of 8
Re: car won't start, just clicks-has new starter
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Quote from back a few posts">>There used to be a car alarm that would prevent the car from starting, supposedly they disabled this. But I wonder if part of that could be interfering with the starter. <<" Now you say that playing with the typical little toggle makes a difference. There's your clue that it's not removed from the car but may have been left there disabled but still can - big clue in that, T
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New User
Aug 18, 2010, 4:51 PM
Post #7 of 8
Re: car won't start, just clicks-has new starter
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Well, I can't actually tell if moving this switch back and forth is doing anything. I just get desperate when I am stuck somewhere, and try anything. Next time it won't start I wont touch that switch and see if I can get it to start. I did just take a look at the battery, and the negative cable is not in the best condition. I wonder if this could be affecting it. If that is the problem I am surprised the shop didn't see it. Either way thanks for the replies, I appreciate it.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Aug 18, 2010, 5:17 PM
Post #8 of 8
Re: car won't start, just clicks-has new starter
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Don't know what year but real lead battery cables are a thing of the past. The junk they use is scary. They must be good. Easy - but can you twist on them and get them to turn while tight by the bolt? If so they gotta go. Quality just end splices are VERY hard to find. Whole cable and get the tool to clean top post battery terminals and the connection. Grease them after good and snug. Contant headaches from them when not greased up or the anti-corrosive do dads you can get help too. I've seen these things that even look ok and aren't! WARNING: Watch out for metal of tools touching a connected battery on pos side. Neg off first and on last. You can get fairly cheap memory savers so you don't mess up any presets the car has, T
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