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car wont turn off

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Apr 14, 2008, 8:32 AM

Post #1 of 5 (2348 views)
car wont turn off Sign In

I have a 94 mercury tracer automatic 4 cylinder wagon. I have had no problems out of it since it was bought in August 07. The battery was replaced so I know that is pretty new. Ok so heres the problem, been driving the car and everythings been fine. I last drove it Friday night and my husband drove it Saturday morning and filled it with gas. So this morning (monday) i went out to start the car. I turned the key to the start position and nothing. I cranked it over about 3 times and nothing. Then when the key was in the "off position" it started which I obviously found very odd. When i put the car in reverse it made a loud screeching sound, so i backed up a little then put the car in drive where it made the loud screeching sound again. i put the car in park and decided to just turn it off. I turned the key to the "off position" but the car didnt turn off. It didnt seem to be at "full capacity" but it seemed to still be running. I took out the key but nothing changed. I finally had the battery disconnected to shut it off. I know nothing about cars so thats really all the info I can give you . Please help if you can,


Apr 14, 2008, 10:39 AM

Post #2 of 5 (2342 views)
Re: car wont turn off Sign In

WOW, this really sounds odd. right off the top of my head the first thing i would suspect would be a problem with the starter solenoid stuck or sticking. that would explain your loud screech sound although it should be more of a grind than a might also explain haveing to disonnect the battery to shut it off except that the voltage generated by the alternator should have kept it running. the only other things i can come up with are a shorted ignition switch (the electrical part not the part that holds the key), or possibly a short of some kind somewhere like the fuse block.
when you say you "cranked it over about three times and nothing" do you mean you turned the key and nothing happened? or that engine turned but didn't start? if the former it points toward ignition switch or starter relay problems. if the latter it would point more toward a shorted fuse block or wire harness(somewhere in the start circuit section). Best guess at this point is a bad starter relay. find it on the side of the fender under the hood with two big wires(like the wires on your battery) and either one or two small wires hooked to it. they are pretty cheap at autozone or other parts stores.

New User

Apr 14, 2008, 11:18 AM

Post #3 of 5 (2341 views)
Re: car wont turn off Sign In

 Thanks for the reply I know i find all this very strange myself. Thankfully my brothers a mechanic coming to look at it this afternoon. anyway when i said i "cranked it over" i mean i turned the key to start it and nothing happened at all. My brother said it probably had something to do with the starter also. I just dont get it though it was drove Saturday and no problems then as soon as I started it this morning all this happened. I thought maybe it would give some kind of warning or indication something was wrong but i guess it doesnt always work that way.

Anonymous Poster

Apr 14, 2008, 11:53 AM

Post #4 of 5 (2338 views)
Re: car wont turn off Sign In

no, this type of problem just happens without warning. thankfully it is rare. i think you will find a bad solenoid. good luck!

New User

Apr 14, 2008, 12:33 PM

Post #5 of 5 (2336 views)
Re: car wont turn off Sign In

thanks i hope so. Ive been looking up prices just incase and a solenoid is alot cheaper than a new starter!


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