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coolant stat break in period ? ?

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Jan 21, 2019, 7:15 AM

Post #1 of 10 (3005 views)
coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

got a new thermostat in the 2002 buick lesabre 3.8 with 100,000 miles on it , Before the old one locked upon me the temp. gauge would sit at the halfway mark .With the new one it sat at 1/4 ( and threw a code for low stat temp )at first , then it would be at the 1/2 way point after a 20 mile trip . Now it warms up to the 1/2 way mark . What do you think ,should I replace it or see how it does ?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 21, 2019, 11:44 AM

Post #2 of 10 (2999 views)
Re: coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

? Does your dash gauge say a temp or just a range or normal - just asking? First is why did you do the first one if a new behavior the question is why thermostat first is fine it might not be that at all.

Coolant must be full, known purged of air or a system will read off be early or late to tell a gauge what's the deal. Did you install the exact temp rating called for is all anyone should do?
It could be normal and or was all along or gauge isn't correct depending on conditions of driving, speed and the ambient temp. All thing right a thermostat should pretty much read at the housing what the rating temp was with a touchless thermometer pointed right at the housing or pretty close. Temp you see may be sensed a bit away from that and vary to normal higher at times.
Just try this from a cold start feel the hose (be careful of course) somewhat close to thermostat with engine running and should be cold and stay cold until thermostat starts to open as it is dunked in engine side coolant then let it pass thru. If a slow warm hose real soon before any time it's opening too soon, bent or defective add in air still in system also includes vapor like a head gasket can add all observed. If gasses you can without tons of tools feel the cold hose build pressure quickly before enough heat and expanding coolant would do that a clue to look real hard if so but not yet.
IMO and for some time one isn't right and I was pretty sure that was it if just bad try another brand right away not another of the same crap happens now and then a bunch are all bad screw you up with pinning it for sure.
I'm not sure why a new one stayed at 1/4 then later changed to staying at 1/2 suggest the part or wasn't the real problem. It's pest to test everything and be sure I'm not happy it changed after the replacement like that.

Other is fans must work on time do make sure now with everything off with a small stick or something they turn at all and that's NOT right is a problem,


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jan 21, 2019, 2:45 PM

Post #3 of 10 (2979 views)
Re: coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

Yes, it does sound like you got a bad thermostat. If that continues, replace it again.

Also, make sure you are getting all the air pockets out when you refill it.


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Jan 21, 2019, 2:52 PM

Post #4 of 10 (2976 views)
Re: coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

The temp gauge is a neddle and it always went half way till the old stat seized up on me , I went to napa for a new one because it's close and if I have to check to see if the guy gave me the right one well I just give up . The new delco OEM is rated at 195 , I haven't put it in yet I'm in albany NY and the artic blast is here and I don't have a garage to work in .. It did go to the half way point and the heat was good/normal . I'll check coolant levels in the morning and if they're low that is a factor ., after putting the napa one in I just topped off the over flow and some was sucked up then it stayed at one level , When I remove the new old one I'll check the rating on it but after the delco one checks out O.K. I think I'll just stay as far away from the auto zoos as possible , I ain't got time for such nonsense . I'll ask them for $$ back or store credit and see what they say .

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 21, 2019, 7:09 PM

Post #5 of 10 (2960 views)
Re: coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

Sorry for the verbose reply dr. donut. Nothing is more annoying than parts that aren't right this is worthy of quality as best you can. Hey - in the middle of annoying to destructive super cold, NE USA really obnoxious to vehicle anything and buildings no surprise.
You come here with an assortment of vehicle do understand you'll know what is "normal" best on one you drive for a while when you know it is vs constant various ones goes for me or techs too if you see once and it's not showing a disaster hard to make the call. Many are NOT bad the first time adds confusion.
I forgot on this engine if there's any snags some are a real pest some aren't.
Just some things that mess up this stuff common to many easy to make mistakes is done out there all the time:

* Just adding water if anything wrong with levels.
* Just adding pure antifreeze when found low too. Strong or way too strong isn't good either!
* Air a pest on even easy to purge ones many time just did one rare - most last ages! Sub point - there is no "break-in" it's just last tiny bubbles of air usually new can be erratic for a while real close though then stable.
What I do if possible and isn't on a car out and away vs known person who will watch. Put a thermos in heater outlet clipped and run it full temp on vehicles without insane temp features watch it behave for a couple days of use harder to find now the wired household type clip it on outlet to floor best IMO.

It matter of course you have an engine at stake - really!
Other is get good measuring of known good water with new antifreeze concentrate. Use it! Qt. at a time get precise 50/50 and if any question distilled water is dirt cheap but don't use those bottles for antifreeze the plastic suks! OMG, do know antifreeze is deadly toxic poison DO NOT USE FOOD THINGS (I DO) WITHOUT MARKING MEASURING ITEMS not to use for food or edibles again.

Of course use exact proper antifreeze NEW not worth re-using old stuff IMO I don't want "universal" product all over that says it works in all crap.

Beat on it this: It's worth paying lots of attention. Hear it all the time folks who's vehicles aren't touched by me if coolant messed with for anything get a vehicle back it's funky for days wasn't checked enough before handed back to customer - it take too dang much time to know it perfect a busy shop almost can't spent too much time yet just last couple weeks did a job 3 times for a friend consulting me, not here in person at high risk of engine destroyed over this crap.

Sorry - this and many things shouldn't be rushed and best materials possible used and time spent to be sure it's right. Silly and common job just don't allow mistakes lots of things like that. Keep watching this stuff especially if recent work or in extreme temps outside as it's doing here should still come out right.

Gets personal - watch out for quickie places that top off fluids and don't tell you done all the time 'eff" it up isn't worth any savings! Ticked off about that for ages now.

Good luck - it worth the attention DIY or if done by another,



Jan 21, 2019, 7:26 PM

Post #6 of 10 (2956 views)
Re: coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

I'm going to get the new one out asap , I liked using my beer brewing hydrometer to check anti freeze till it dropped and broke , now I got the floating balls in a syringe which I don't really like . I always went with the 50/50 mix , even though straight antifreeze is rated for even lower temps. Thanks for the input . we're getting a heat wave it'll be in the 30's wednesday

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 22, 2019, 2:08 AM

Post #7 of 10 (2945 views)
Re: coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

Good luck: Another point techno on Ethelene Glycol based anti-freeze. Many don't list the "freeze" protection on container. It's here in A/C section still if you didn't read that. Yes if you just go 60/40 the temp drop a lot. It's all based on using a 15lb pressure cap so discard that it there and fools you on boiling points especially. 100% antifreeze can go slushy at maybe 0F and mixed doesn't! Somewhere if protection rates at say 20F it contracts but freezes doesn't expand so protected breakage wise but it doesn't flow? Oh my, that's called for in some applications to keep some antifreeze yet the plain water is a better coolant but lack lube and anti-corrosion you must have.
The floating ball checker can be OK vs a bad better one! OMG, I use two, rinse out and again to make sure lots are NOT accurate at all.
IMO no point in keeping freeze levels to -60F almost nothing would run at that anyway - a fuel of liquid, gases like propane solid or liquid and electric quits isn't reasonable to be in at all.

One more. I re-read my post and miss a lot of the letter "s" is my keyboard or fingers - just sorry about that try to read thru it like it was there. I try not to it just does that can change whole meaning please question me if clearly opposite of common sense.

Carry on, (BTW warmed up finally above zero here but only ONE degree! Live in this but does stink for too long.

> Here's the chart not put on containers many times - below<

(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Jan 22, 2019, 2:11 AM)


Jan 28, 2019, 3:05 PM

Post #8 of 10 (2897 views)
Re: coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

Put the new OEM stat in and all's good ,, it had 195 stamped on it , the old one had 192 (192) ? I notice they offset the valve mechanism , it's not centered , any idea why ?

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jan 28, 2019, 6:02 PM

Post #9 of 10 (2891 views)
Re: coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

The shape of the housing is the reason.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 28, 2019, 8:13 PM

Post #10 of 10 (2883 views)
Re: coolant stat break in period ? ? Sign In

? 192F T-Stats are indexed with a "jiggle valve" such that it's on top. As HT said shape of housing will not allow it wrong. Could be forced would ruin it. That matters. Allows a little flow to open it gradually was OE spec for Ford engines (perhaps some others?) with side mounted thermostats if not held in place sealing them up bent up then all bets off on how it will or wont work.
Not a clue why 192f vs near universal 195F? There's a reason or they wouldn't have done that for decades? IMO the 3 degrees alone up there really shouldn't matter so think it differentiated that one from all the others at a glance look the same are NOT.
Just did one by chance! Took days to find the exact right one for some reason??
Your subject line saying "break in period" is yes and no by that I mean you still allow the small bubbles to purge out by cycling from cold to fully warmed up is just tiny air not "breaking in" the part rather just pure liquid without air at all not even the small carbonated soda type ones unseen,



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