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electrical issue???

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Anonymous Poster

Sep 10, 2009, 1:08 PM

Post #1 of 2 (2703 views)
electrical issue??? Sign In

2001 jeep grand cherokee, 4.7 v8, quadratrac, 157k miles
when inserting ignition key, all systems fine, turn to acsessory, all systems working. turn to start and total power loss. dash, radio, dome, not even a click from starter. also can hear a click noise from under dash.turn off key wait 5-10 minutes, vehicle starts and idles fine. also vehicle will start and die but will run with a little throttle during start up(next start after this and loss of power via ignition ocurrs). comes and goes, will do it 3 -4 times in a week then quit for month or so. has been looked at by mechanic who is clueless. Both battery terminals are tight and clean, new battery + it has been tested. vehicle does not have battery drain and does not need to jumped ever. seems like a relay in fuse panel or read a post about computer grounding due to plastic washers deteroirating where it bolts to body?? by the way- no codes either. what ever it is does not code!!!! started putting key in with jeep embossing facing driver and it quit for a month, now its back but sporadic. this is a ghost and wont do it when it goes to shop- been ther 3 times so far!!

Double J
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Sep 12, 2009, 1:41 PM

Post #2 of 2 (2684 views)
Re: electrical issue??? Sign In

This sounds like a loose/and or corroded battery cable connection,more than likely a ground cable connection at the engine block,not at the battery.

Have the tech look closely into that.I had 2 in the last month with same concern.One had the negative cable at the block tight but it was corroded enough to intermittently cause the no power/start condition.The other one was loose but still made contact most all of the time.
Check the basics first before reading into it.

What you can try when it occurs again is to connect one lead of a jumper cable to the negative post on the battery and the other end of the same cable to a good engine ground on the block .if it starts,then check/repair /replace the ground cable.

Let us know the outcome


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