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engine trouble

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Anonymous Poster

Jul 29, 2009, 9:35 AM

Post #1 of 16 (3216 views)
engine trouble Sign In

2003 chevy express van 3500 cutaway. 137,000miles

truck has long history of problems.
I will start about a year and a half ago.
had a random misfire code my mechanic changed my computer. took care of the problem for about 6 months. again random misfires shows up, changes my fuel pump, took care of it for about 6 months. now again i have random misfires. I changed the fuel pump again but truck ran lousy all day than ran fine for about two hours, but finished the day running worse than ever. It would stall whenever I went in reverse or was stopped and turned the wheels hard. so i took it to a chevy dealer to see if they could figure it out. dealer calls me back and says that it is not a fuel problem but an air problem, says my something maybe warped started with a "p" not sure what he was saying, suppose to go there tomorrow for a written estimate but he says it does not look good. My question is how can he tell if this "p" thing is warped or is he guessing to. This truck is used for local deliveries idling all day. Truck has never ran hot or over heated just wondering how something warped.
thanks for any replies sorry for the length. I'm getting desperate

Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Jul 29, 2009, 1:06 PM

Post #2 of 16 (3205 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

Can't image what the 'p' thing would be. A dirty, sticky, IAC could cause idle problems. Once you get a diagosis, post it and we can go from there.
SW Washington

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jul 29, 2009, 1:17 PM

Post #3 of 16 (3203 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

Yes it would help to know what he is referring to. The only P thing that comes to my mind is a plenum (upper intake). I haven't had to many problems with GMs (Ford is another story) but if the plenum is leaking vacuum, that would give you a random misfire & it would run poorly @ idle & low speeds..... If one was warped bad enough it would be easy enough to diagnos.

Also would help to know the engine size.....

Anonymous Poster

Jul 29, 2009, 1:48 PM

Post #4 of 16 (3201 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

where is the IAC located on this truck, what does it look like. What does it stand for. THe "P" was piston(he had a heavy accent). Can it be cleaned or should it be replaced.

Anonymous Poster

Jul 29, 2009, 1:49 PM

Post #5 of 16 (3196 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

is the plenum an expensive job?

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jul 29, 2009, 1:51 PM

Post #6 of 16 (3196 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

IAC stands for idle air control, it's on the side of the throttle body & can be cleaned.... Piston can be pretty expensive depending on what the problem. It would really help to know what exactly he said was the problem with the piston & some compression reading and anything else..... With this little info anything would just be a wild guess...

The Plenum is the upper intake of the motor and compared to major engine work would be considered cheap.....but from what you said, sounds like thats not what he is taking about......... really need to know everything....

(This post was edited by Sidom on Jul 29, 2009, 1:53 PM)

Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Jul 29, 2009, 1:52 PM

Post #7 of 16 (3195 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

First, the IAC is mounted on the throttle body. Secondly, might want to speak with someone that can explain what they are seeing in a language that you understand. I'm assuming, English. Piston doesn't fit the equation.
SW Washington

Anonymous Poster

Jul 29, 2009, 2:04 PM

Post #8 of 16 (3193 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

I spoke to him over the phone, but I am going tomorrow to get the diagnostics I will post better info tomorrow sorry for the bad info just that this truck is how I make my living and seems like I have been chasing this problem for a while spending lots of money and not any closer to an answer. thanks for the patience

Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Jul 29, 2009, 2:06 PM

Post #9 of 16 (3192 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

Not a problem, here. You are the one to be commended for patience. Just let us know what you can. We're here.Wink
SW Washington

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jul 30, 2009, 9:43 AM

Post #10 of 16 (3177 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In


The followed was a new thread. I have moved it to this thread.

Please post the follow ups in the original question
New question deleted

engine troubles from yesterday continued. - NEW Edit | Delete | Quote | Reply
2003 chevy 3500 express van.137000miles. 6.0 vortec engine.

well truck is still at the dealer, they told me my manifold is no good, but then they tell me they cant locate one. Is this possible, that a chevy dealer cant find this part. This is a very common engine. I could tell that they are really pushing for me to buy a new truck from them and I believe they are trying to drag this out. Guys telling me it could be as long as till october. They wonder why they are bankrupt.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Jul 30, 2009, 9:44 AM)

Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Jul 30, 2009, 11:26 AM

Post #11 of 16 (3166 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

On many of the newer GMs, they use a plenum that is made of some sort of a phenolic type material. More like plastic than metal. The only time that I've ever had to replace them is if they are deteriorated, internally. Haven't run into one that was 'warped'. That's not saying that it is impossible, just that I've never run into it, before. Dealer mechanics are no better than independant ones. They are human. I would suggest, and this is just my opinion, to get a second opinion of what is going on. As far as part availability, you might want to call around....Dorman makes aftermarket plenums. Also, a company called 'Fertig March'. I'm sure you can Google both. Then, there is wrecking yards. The odds of finding a good used one should be very good, since this is not a common problem.
SW Washington

Anonymous Poster

Jul 30, 2009, 12:01 PM

Post #12 of 16 (3165 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

like I said this is my work truck and I thought by bringing it to a chevy dealer and probably paying a little more i would get it done right, But I have never had a worse experience with any other business in my life. I know it does not sound like it but Iam a very patient person. Anyway, they still have the truck, telling me it was not ready, all they did was charge me $335 dollars to diagnose the problem which has been there for 4 days. They also told me they couldn't give me an estimate because they couldn't get the part. I am very confused what they are doing. Anyway I told them to put the engine cover back and I will be there first thing to get it out of there. I will keep you posted on what the next guy says, probably early next week. thanks for listening to me whine

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jul 30, 2009, 2:07 PM

Post #13 of 16 (3152 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

Damn....I wish I could get 3.3 to diag a misfire...........

As Loren stated there is nothing magical about a dealer.... The one lone advantage they have is the info.... but it's just a slight one. There is very good aftermarket info & training out there on the new systems.......

They are just like everyone else, there are good ones & not so good ones.....

Ask around, talk to your friends & neighbors, see who they have good luck with. You can go to & both site has shop locators ( use these a just another factor in your search & not the only thing) Go down & check out the shop...... Just remember the best shop for the job will not be the cheapest..... Training & tools are expensive and shops that keep up aren't going to try to compete with the code pullers who "get by" on guessing & pattern failures..... Also one huge red flag to look for is the "free diagnosis" those shops have invested nothing in tools & training, so they can afford to give away the diag

Anonymous Poster

Jul 31, 2009, 10:55 AM

Post #14 of 16 (3148 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

I got the results from the dealer here it is word for word. Found engine running lean, o2 sensors bank 1 and bank 2 not working perform injector test using active fuel injestor tested check for vacumn leaks found intake manifold leaking. thats the way it is written on my copy. I just changed o2 sensor bank 1 in january. Again I am confused as to why he can't find the manifold, Autozone had them. He claims that the 2003 model of this truck(6.0 vortec 8cyl) the manifold that is required was only made for that one year. These trucks are all over the road. Am I getting taken for a ride. Why wouldn't this guy want the work. I was willing to pay almost anything to get this thing running right
Well after a talking to him I pulled my truck from there and brought it to another guy. I will keep you posted when I here something. thanks john

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jul 31, 2009, 11:29 AM

Post #15 of 16 (3144 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

With the bankruptcy GM just went through, they are not well stocked or well organized right now. The dealers are stocking the bare minimum and if this is a common problem, which I believe it is, they never have enough to keep up with demand.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Anonymous Poster

Aug 2, 2009, 8:09 AM

Post #16 of 16 (3126 views)
Re: engine trouble Sign In

Well my problem is resolved. The mechanic I brought it to, fixed my problem in one day. Said something with an evaporation hose, injector number 7 was no good and something else. I will post a more accurate description when I pay him on Monday. He let me pick up the truck Sunday even though he was closed and pay him on Monday. He told me he found nothing wrong with the manifolds from what he can see. When I picked up the truck and drove it back to my terminal it ran perfect. Why would the chevy dealer do what he did, saying he cant get parts and diagnosing major repairs. Everyone has a computer and can locate parts and get great info from web sites like this one. The terminal I work in has about 45 of the same trucks I have and each one of the owners will hear of my experences. The dealer cost himself what could of been a nice account. thanks john


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