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New User
Nov 2, 2009, 6:03 PM
Post #1 of 3
help buying a camaro
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hey, im new to this but i was wondering if i could get some second opinions on cars im looking at currently. this is my first car im 17 year old male in vancouver, and i really like the 4th generation camaros, firebirds, trans ams. but, my parents wont let me get a v8... so ive been looking at v6s. i am looking at these to ads. (btw i want to keep it below 5000 if i can) the first is a 94 camaro with a 3.4l v6. but its got all the v8 badges, decals, and exhaust to make it sound like a v8, but it doesnt have the lt1. the only think is the Km is fairly high. http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/rds/cto/1442431025.html w Next is a 2000 camaro with a 3.8l v6. and it says its got 250 hp. i talked to the guy and he bought it in california (so no rust) from a mechanic who did some mods too it like cold air, free flow exhaust, etc.. and he bought it for his daughter but she doesnt want a standard so he is selling it. the Km is much better on this one sitting at 159000 i believe. heres the link allthough it doesnt say a whole lot. http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/rds/cto/1446912998.html any opinions, advice, things to ask, anything will be apreciated. Thanks
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Loren Champlain Sr
/ Moderator

Nov 2, 2009, 6:50 PM
Post #2 of 3
Re: help buying a camaro
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s2556; I'm from the 'other' Vancouver. You want to try and find one that hasn't been modified. The reason being, if it's been 'modified', you can pretty well guarantee that it's been 'hot-rodded'. The lower the mileage, the better, of course. No matter what, take the vehicle in to a professional shop to have it thoroughly checked prior to purchase. If you have emission laws where you live, make certain that it will pass before you buy it. Make sure that the 'check engine' or 'service engine soon' lamp illuminates when you turn the ignition to 'ON'. Good luck. Loren SW Washington
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/ Moderator

Nov 3, 2009, 9:10 AM
Post #3 of 3
Re: help buying a camaro
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I always encourage people to do this . After you have got the list down, pick the one that you would really like . Spend a few bucks and with the owners permission take to a shop ,maybe the one your parents use.Have a tech give it saftey check and then do a short test drive. A trained eye will spot things ,esp when on lift that you wont. A trained ear willl hear things also. I once checked a car that the ad said was a rust free low milage bargain. Botttom of car was covered with undercoating. I could poke my finger thru the rear floorboard and touch the new carpet that was put in . The 40k miles turned out to be 140k. It was before odometers had the extra (1). The money spent will be a lot less than buying a clean shiny clunker.
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