
john miller
Mar 23, 2010, 8:02 AM
Post #1 of 7
hi i have 1995 jeep cherokee when i put headlights on both ampere lights in back light along with to red lights they should only light as blinkers could it be headlight switch or something else?
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Mar 23, 2010, 10:03 AM
Post #2 of 7
Not totally sure what you mean? Seems like you are getting a low amp/bat type warning with use of headlights which could be battery and or cable connections, belt not tight enough, alternator problem among things that could cause that. Can you duplicate it with use of rear window defogger, high fan request and use of a cigar lighter (a real one that gets hot) all at once? Those are high usage items as are headlights and would trigger the same response of low amp delivery or voltage dropping too low, T
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john miller
Mar 23, 2010, 2:26 PM
Post #3 of 7
batt. and alt voltage charging good just when you put headlights on those rear directional lenses light too they should not, only if directionals are being used? any ideas ?
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Mar 23, 2010, 11:27 PM
Post #4 of 7
Do rear lights have dual filaments - meaning both a running light when headlights are on AND a brighter one for directionals and brake? That or are directionals amber and a separate bulb? Depending on destination of the vehicle (where shipped to when new) it could be either way. Probably not the upfront point right now but how do you know the battery, charging system and connections are good? T
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john miller
Mar 24, 2010, 7:33 AM
Post #5 of 7
hi there are 3 bulbs in back red brake ambere directional reverse bulb they are all separate im sure charge system and battery are fine the ampere bulbs lite with headlights on and they should not ? another problem is when i turn left side directional on both left and right bulbs blink ?
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Mar 24, 2010, 7:54 AM
Post #6 of 7
Slowly but getting there. If both sides blink with directionals there could be a bad front socket for them that is both a running light and higher intensity directional with wrong bulb could do that. Any recent bulb replacements? Maybe and not sure how hazards and directions flasher(s) are but it could use just one and it could be screwed up inside. It's all guessing on my part so far. Don't know the dash warning lights words or icons but if voltage drops below a set # or amps are getting used up at a higher rate than system can handle which in many cases would have blown a fuse?? Other guess: Is there trailer wiring for this that is subject to corrosion and causing funky electrical problems. I'd also take a voltage reading of battery with vehicle off and again running, and again with that warning light on and see the results, T
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john miller
Mar 25, 2010, 7:24 AM
Post #7 of 7
the only lite that does not blink is the top cornering lite, socket has 2 wires it does come on when lights are on but will not blink when directionals are put on to the left side , new bulb did not make difference ?
(This post was edited by john miller on Mar 25, 2010, 7:28 AM)
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