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mushy brakes on a 1990 nissan stanza

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Mar 28, 2010, 7:06 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1857 views)
mushy brakes on a 1990 nissan stanza Sign In

okie so i have a 1990 nissan stanza. i recently took it into a tire shop and had them check the brakes they said all was good except for my driver front caliper was bad so i rebuilt the caliper. went to bleed the brakes and the nipples broek off the two rear drums so i replaced the two wheel cylinders. tryed to have my neighbor help em bleed them using the brake and open method. ddint work so i went out and bought a mighty vac one person bleeder. i bleed them that way no air in the lines only fluid comes out but when i start the car my pedal goes to the floor. i tried to rebleed them all again and still no air but pedal still goes to floor i can pump it a few times and it hardens. the vehicle is a 1990 nissan stanza. automatic 2.4liter engine. befor the brakes worked fine pedal went about a 1/4th in then caught and stopped i also replaced the pads. any one have a solution. also when bleeding i started with PR,DR,PF,DF wheels

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Mar 28, 2010, 7:36 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1851 views)
Re: mushy brakes on a 1990 nissan stanza Sign In

You can try gravity bleeding them and see if that helps, just open up one bleeder and let it drip. It takes a while cuz its slow and keep an eye on the master cyl. Use the order you posted, also make sure the rear brks are adjusted up.

New User

Mar 28, 2010, 9:56 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1849 views)
Re: mushy brakes on a 1990 nissan stanza Sign In

yeah the rear should be adjusted but ill check and also when gravity bleed do i only open one at a time?


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