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vauxhall vectra sticking in reverse gear

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Oct 9, 2012, 2:32 AM

Post #1 of 12 (4837 views)
vauxhall vectra sticking in reverse gear Sign In

Hi wonder if anyone could help me with the problem i am having with my vauxhall vectra 1.8 2002 model. When the car is left over night and i put it into reverse it won't come back out until the engine has been switched off even with the clutch down.
The clutch was bleeded yesterday and the car was driving fine with all gears better than before it was bled. The reason it was bleed because i was having the above problems with reverese and other gears. Do i just need to re-bleed again or is this problem relating to something else.

Any advise would be very much welcomed

(This post was edited by pccarrick on Oct 9, 2012, 7:14 AM)

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Oct 9, 2012, 3:11 AM

Post #2 of 12 (4813 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

It's a clutch issue. It will have to be investigated further to determine if it's a hydraulic issue or mechanical problem with the clutch itself.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Oct 9, 2012, 5:44 AM

Post #3 of 12 (4792 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

Thanks for the reply, any reason why this works ok after the car has been used for a while and the problem only happens when it is left standing for a long period of time ?

Thanks in advance

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 9, 2012, 6:07 AM

Post #4 of 12 (4789 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

Hmmm? In that it behaved better after bleeding the hydraulic clutch linkage I would focus on that and try again. It may need either or both of the master cylinder or slave cylinder or a mechanical problem that I wouldn't think would change with just bleeding. Some are real fussy to get all the air out and should have air in the system if all is well or something repaired involving it recently,



Oct 9, 2012, 6:20 AM

Post #5 of 12 (4784 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

Thanks for your reply. Yeah it is really strange, when using the bleeding kit all the air seemed to come out and the fluid flowed very well. The clutch felt better than it has for a very long time and drove really well. As i said the car was then left over night then started it put it into reverse and it wouldn't come out until engine switched off. It then drove ok after that but not tried reverse yet but all other gears fine. Maybe if i put it in 1st i would have had the same issue, i did have this problem last week reason for bleeding. You think i should give it another bleed ?

Thanks in advance

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 9, 2012, 6:43 AM

Post #6 of 12 (4780 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

Lots of guessing on my part as haven't even seen one of these at all where I am. It's possible that for either air or partial failing hydraulic items will pump up and act like good linkage to disengage clutch. Don't but if you didn't push clutch at all AND vehicle started it would move if in a gear. If dragging and not fully disengaged but not enough to move the car you might not notice but shifting would be impaired. Out of a gear should be easier.

Many are all synchromesh for forward gears and not for reverse so that would or could grind going from neutral to revers if full disengagement isn't happening for any reason.

Should be a reservoir smaller but similar to one for brakes to check if it is full now and should be if just bled out. READ and look as most would use brake fluid but be sure. You shouldn't need any and if so that would be a problem. AGAIN - DO NOT ADD OIL TO EITHER BRAKE OR CLUTCH HYDRAULICS JUST WHAT WAS EXACTLY MEANT FOR FLUID - here usually DOT 3 Brake fluid.

You may not get a good awareness of a hydraulic clutch as to if it is moving and disengaging the clutch. So far it's the bleeding it that made an improvement that caught my attention that, that is the area to be checked into more. If it waits for an overnight to act up you may want to leave it for an overnight at the shop so they can experience it happening in front of them and explain just what it does and when because if everything is fine when someone looks at it not much will be discovered,



Oct 9, 2012, 6:56 AM

Post #7 of 12 (4776 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

Thanks again, it goes into reverse with no problems at all with the clutch down. it just does not want to come back out when the clutch is down again. I will try rebleeding it and let you know the outcome.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 9, 2012, 7:02 AM

Post #8 of 12 (4775 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

That's inconsistent with my suspicions. Coming out of a gear should be easy - going into one requires engine and transmission to be disengaged to mesh smoothly.

I wont be around for a while now but this may have a "detent" locking problem in trans that holds it in a gear such that it doesn't just fall out on its own and should be looked at. Stinks but much of that will be a transmission specialty shop at least for much of the US,



Oct 10, 2012, 3:53 AM

Post #9 of 12 (4726 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

Really is a strange one car drove fine the whole day yesterday after initial problem, so re-bleed it again last night still had a bit of air in the system. The fluid that came out looked a bit murky with sort of air bubbles in it so maybe this is causing the air in the system. When bled tested and running with no issues again, no presure loss or fluid prior to the bleeding or after no issues also finding gears worked fine.
Today again put the car in reverse after leaving over night same problem stuck in gear, switched engine off, put into 1st drove off no problems at all with any gears after that.
Could the problem be that i still have some bad fluid in the system or maybe still have some air, is it worth bleeding again maybe a few more times to clear it out over a few days ?
Somebody also mentioned to me yesterday it could be the pressure plate sticking could this be the case and is the reason why i seem to only be getting when the car is left over night as the car was left the whole day yesterday and was still fine last night.

Any advise is appreciated thanks in advance.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 10, 2012, 5:16 AM

Post #10 of 12 (4719 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

If this continues to need bleeding it either isn't being done right or parts have failed.

This not shifting out of reverse isn't making lots of sense to me so far. I digress to some vehicles that I owned that for one model year played some funky tricks. One you couldn't take key out of ignition unless it was in reverse! It wouldn't start unless clutch was depressed to floor which was a fairly new idea for that era, model year 1974. Was a common car with a fairly rare transmission set up. Plain GM Chevy Nova with floor shift (most were on column in that era) just 3 speeds and ignition key on column to allow for locking steering wheel I think mandated in Model year 1970 for CARS not trucks!?

I did neat to defeat the clutch trick that deactivated the trigger wire to starter as it would stall normally - that was if I took the thing to about 10,000 feet of elevation (was in Colorado USA in mountains) and nothing automatically adjusted for the thin air. If you lived there owners would adjust things to deal with it or have it done. Stupid ideas have been around a while trust me. If just passing thru one of those places did they really expect folks to adjust their cars along the way and unadjust them again later?

How long have you owned this car? Is there something funny that you are supposed to do that I couldn't have the wildest guess on for shut down for parking and restarting later? Must you leave it in reverse gear instead of say 1st gear that would have similar forces such that the thing wouldn't roll away if parking brake failed somehow while parked?

These type safety features if this is part of the problem could be both mechanical or electrically controlled. If this is sensing hydraulic pressure to allow certain behavior then it could be more confused. If this type of stuff is in this car it needs to operate as intended.

Other: You have seen what you said is contaminated hydraulic fluid from bleeding clutch! Hey - it's been bled already and shouldn't be much more than clean new fluid now. If there is any chance that an oil was used to top off that system and not the specific proper, rubber friendly fluid commonly used then that would ruin all rubber parts involved and may take a bit of time for total failure. That might explain why amount of time it has been in reverse like overnight is playing a role in this behavior.

Check owner's manual for any features this car may have that maybe even all of them didn't have. I'd hope it is mentioned in that original document/book that cars and trucks do come with,



Oct 10, 2012, 6:10 AM

Post #11 of 12 (4715 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

Thanks again for your advise, nothing special what to do with the car and i have had the car for a number of years. One thing i will say because i think my wording was not quite correct. The car is not left in any gear over night but when started up the following morning and i put it in reverse gear to pull off the drive this is when it sticks. Sorry for the confusion

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 10, 2012, 6:50 AM

Post #12 of 12 (4708 views)
Re: vauxhall vectra stucking in reverse gear Sign In

I'm with you. Remember I'm running on basic principles of how things work with some crazy ideas that some cars could have thrown in.

Now this suggests that engine is already running, you have backed out and then stuck there in reverse or make a real scene and just drive that way all day - smile - just joking. To clarify can it do this again later after you get it going and driving for a while? Hard for me to look back at all posts if that was mentioned already. If this is a one time thing for the day I need to concentrate on why this could be picking on just that time to pull this.

General on standard transmissions: Most are synchronized for all forward gears and NOT for reverse that I know of. They all need a way to stay in any selected gear until you move it. If there is a residual force as if engine is not disengaged from turning front shaft of a transmission shifting will be difficult more-so into a gear then out of one. Any drag of clutch still turning trans will make shifting an issue and be careful as forcing things isn't good for mechanical parts all thru the transmission.

If this is dragging like I'm now thinking then it might behave if you just sit there before doing anything and pump clutch pedal several times before you do or go anywhere and it might just behave. That isn't a fix but a clue.

If dragging hard it could be noticed with drive wheels hoisted off ground and most would spin some but could be held still by hand (don't do tricks unless you really know what you are up to as getting hurt isn't our game) or just slight pressure on brake while clutch is disengaged (wheels still hoisted) would easily stop the moving wheels.

This crap takes time for a tech to nail down and if it decides to behave in front of the tech it becomes educated guessing on what is causing the problem they don't witnessCrazy We hate that as you can imagine.

I still don't understand why bleeding the hydraulic linkage isn't working out. No air should have been seen later as you said if none was there just a short time before from bleeding it. Somehow there's something there screwing up the diagnosis. I/we don't know if the techs and shop has the right equipment or skills to bleed this exact one out. Some are very fussy if not many and would bet this is a fussy one.

Side note: I'm not here all the time but quite a bit. This site is all volunteers and assorted time available so I apologize if not fast to come back with a response. If anything is an emergency on a vehicle web sites fail vs getting hands on help. Finding the right help for difficult problems can be a problem too,



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