work jeep having weird nosies
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Aug 3, 2012, 11:51 PM
Post #1 of 8
work jeep having weird nosies
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ok i work for a security company we been through several 4x4 jeeps and blazzers and Sh!t now we got a 2001 jeep cherokee laredo and when i drive it 30 mins down the road to one of my sites i check there is a weird ticking sound under the hood and also there is massive heat coming from under it there is no sign of a esaust leak anywere... also the radiator is full to the max and when i poped the hood to check everything befor starting my rounds theres coolent all around the cover and inside the computer is saying low coolent what would casue it to come out like that would it be the lid leaking and the comp thinking that coolent is low.... i'm doing all this for my boss so he don't have to waste alot of money on taking it and geting it looked at by lazy workers at goodyear up here that will say nothings wrong
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 4, 2012, 3:02 AM
Post #2 of 8
Re: work jeep having weird nosies
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Are you saying radiator is full to "Max" or just the recovery tank? It's telling you "low coolant" and running hot plus whatever ticking noise is it probably is low on coolant and or air in the system. Best guess so far is head gasket(s) or more are already toast, T
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Aug 4, 2012, 4:23 AM
Post #3 of 8
Re: work jeep having weird nosies
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well both are full and befor it keep saying low coolant i shut it down and befor i left i checked both and there full to max.... the ticking noise has been going on since we had it i can drive right up next to a building to check the door and you can hear the ticking when u hit the gas to take off..oh yea and also we have had the jeep for about 3 months now since we had it the check engine light has been on and never goes off i noticed at one time coolent leaking from underneath and had the waterpump replaced and it quit leaking but now since the replacement were having the coolant leak error it gets annoying after awhile driving down the road and it keeps dinging we had it reset to shut it off but it keeps comoing back on again
(This post was edited by mustang_killer on Aug 4, 2012, 4:34 AM)
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 4, 2012, 6:31 AM
Post #4 of 8
Re: work jeep having weird nosies
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You've been ignoring the checked engine light forever and it isn't even your vehicle to repair. What are you expecting to accomplish here? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Aug 4, 2012, 6:47 AM
Post #5 of 8
Re: work jeep having weird nosies
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Quote ">>coolant leak error<<" I'm not so sure that's an error. You tell me where the sensor is on this -- on the recovery tank or on an end tank of radiator? Thing has probably been so hot it doesn't work properly, was known leaking and water pump fixed that but how hard has the overheating (due to low coolant) been and how much more did it do to the poor thing is in question. What engine is in this? Warnings have been ignored too long on the poor thing. Those lights aren't for decoration! I suspect with overheating and noise this has suffered real damage and won't be cheap. Try a basic check that requires no special tools......... Cold engine for hours or overnight. Known filled cooling system. Don't even start it yet and squeeze upper radiator hose just feeling what should be zero pressure. Now start engine and feel that hose again before it can even warm up normally and see if it pressures up in a couple minutes - use a watch - two minutes should do. If it has full pressure that fast it is a terrible sign! That's what I'm guessing and that is combustion gasses are getting into cooling system thru gaskets or full blown cracks/warped engine parts that seal gasses from cooling system. That hose should stay cold for a while with no turbulance seen in recovery tank and bet it blows bubbles but am only guessing so far. Delaying the right fix to save a buck in proper diagnosis is not saving anything. This MAY have suffered some serious damage to expensive engine parts already. Noise would easily be explained by sludging up oil from the heat. If the noise is intermittent at all might be correctable if it is just sticking lifter(s) or valvetrain parts now but can't say that either. Should get this carefully, professionally diagnosed IMO before wasting too much $$ on a possible lost cause, T
(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Aug 4, 2012, 6:49 AM)
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Aug 4, 2012, 10:12 PM
Post #6 of 8
Re: work jeep having weird nosies
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ok well for start when we first got the jeep we had it inspected by goodyear my boss asked them to check and see if everything is ok they said yea everything is fine so idk why they dident check to see what the check eng light was on for and it hasent been overheating its been right at mid... well today after taking over the jeep from the other gards today i checked both radiator and the radiator resvor the last guard that was on duty said he had to fill up the resvor today but he dident add it to the fill line so i just added water to it for now untill i can get money from the boss to get antifreeze for it and now after a few hrs its geting low again i think there is a leak some were but its not showing up on the ground after parking it and leving it run or moving it slowly around the mine site that i have to patrol i'm going to dig deeper in to it ... the ticking nosie from what i was told is that its had a motor problem since the last owner (bleave it or not i've talked to the last onwers father) hes told me that its had a new head gasket put in it but from the sound of the motor i think its got a bad valve in it when i stomped on the gas to respond to a call today i could hear the ticking going when i hit the gas (btw it has a 4.0 6cly motor in it)
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 5, 2012, 5:09 AM
Post #7 of 8
Re: work jeep having weird nosies
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Sounds like it still has a head gasket or head issue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 5, 2012, 5:11 AM
Post #8 of 8
Re: work jeep having weird nosies
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Beginning to sound like this Jeep was cursed with troubles to begin with poor history and failed inspection of it to be a viable and dependable vehicle for a business to rely on. Employees expected or somehow have to plain fill up cooling system, noises to be determined what and why and apparently no budget for what is probably critical to this operation is a mess never mind just the vehicle itself. I really think this needs a total inspection by real qualified technicians to determine if this vehicle as a whole is worth it to this operation to either go nuts and fix everything or cut losses and get a better vehicle. If this is your job to keep this and other vehicles in order then there should also be a budget for it which is apparently in trouble so IMO this is a no win situation, T
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