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1999 Chrysler 300m

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Jan 19, 2014, 7:09 PM

Post #1 of 42 (3679 views)
  post locked   1999 Chrysler 300m  

Car has been running great until one morning I go to start it, it turns over and everything but the power windows and a/c & heater won't work. 15 minutes later, they simultaneously decide to start working. This has been the case for the past few months. IS NOT the alternator, what could it be? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


GC profile image

Jan 19, 2014, 8:01 PM

Post #2 of 42 (3662 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Im confused by the description.
"everything but the power windows and a/c & heater won't work"
Only the power windows and heater work? Or the power windows and heater wont work?

Willing to help, willing to learn... Rob


Jan 19, 2014, 8:40 PM

Post #3 of 42 (3653 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

My apologies, I meant that as a figure of speech and now relies the dilemma it creates in the wording. What I mean was that everything works except the power windows and a/c & heater.

kev2 profile image

Jan 20, 2014, 7:43 AM

Post #4 of 42 (3636 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

First thought is ign switch.... as both circuits are energized in start or run...

Suspect - Is the CEL on or do you have a remote starter ?


Jan 20, 2014, 8:43 AM

Post #5 of 42 (3628 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Surprisingly the CEL is not on although when I call for power on the power windows or a/c the dash defaults and the trac on/off lights up as well as the abs. Another thing to note, the lights illuminating the window function tabs dim whenever you call for power on the windows as well (for the first 15 or so minutes before they actually start to work).

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jan 20, 2014, 8:55 AM

Post #6 of 42 (3627 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Anything recently worked on or damaged on this car?


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Jan 20, 2014, 10:05 AM

Post #7 of 42 (3618 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

The obvious indicator would be that I had to jump start the car since it died in -16 degree weather other than that, nope

GC profile image

Jan 20, 2014, 10:28 AM

Post #8 of 42 (3613 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

I would lean towards ignition switch as well. (NOT THE LOCK CYLINDER) There are several other circuits that I would think would be affected if the ignition switch is the problem. Does the transmission act any different when this is occurring? Does the airbag light and/or ABS light come on when this is occurring? Is the check engine light on?

Sorry missed that you mentioned some of those things.

Willing to help, willing to learn... Rob

(This post was edited by goiserclause on Jan 20, 2014, 10:38 AM)


Jan 20, 2014, 10:32 AM

Post #9 of 42 (3609 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Wiggling the key? It's a reoccurring problem and it doesn't involve starting the car. I'm thinking has something either to do with a bad ground (which I cleaned the main one), a bad relay, or bad cables???

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jan 20, 2014, 10:34 AM

Post #10 of 42 (3608 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

If you think you know more than the professionals trying to help you, why are you here?


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Jan 20, 2014, 10:46 AM

Post #11 of 42 (3603 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

I definitely don't and appreciate any advice given. I just immediately thought your advice to wiggle the key indicated you didn't fully understand the problem. I can assure you that wiggling the key has not done anything to fix the problem, thank you for the tip though.


Jan 20, 2014, 10:49 AM

Post #12 of 42 (3602 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

As far as the transmission having any problems it doesn't. When the lights default on the dash, the air bag indicator does comes on initially as well as the ABS. CEL is not on. It really is quite the mystery.

GC profile image

Jan 20, 2014, 10:53 AM

Post #13 of 42 (3598 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Wiggling the key is kinda far out on changing anything with this, but free and easy to try.

You mentioned that the abs and trac lights come on if you try using windows or heater. At this point I would suspect ignition switch, but everything is a guess without testing. Are you going to be testing and repairing this yourself?

Willing to help, willing to learn... Rob

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jan 20, 2014, 10:56 AM

Post #14 of 42 (3596 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Wiggling the key itself isn't going to do much. You have to access the plug on the back of the switch. Don't blow this off because I had a Chrysler product the other day that cranked just fine but sometimes wouldn't start and when it wouldn't start the dash lights weren't powering and it turned out to be a switch that used multiple power feeds.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Jan 20, 2014, 10:58 AM

Post #15 of 42 (3594 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

I thought so too as far as wiggling the key goes, and it definitely could have worked short term, but I am looking for a more long term solution. As a newly graduated college student I do plan on doing the repairs themselves. I've been at this for a month or so, thought it would be something like a bad battery, terminals or cables but it is abundantly apparent it is not. With regards to the ignition switch, would that explain why everything tends to work after about 15 minutes of running the car? I've heard theories of metal expansion (therefore more current flow) or the battery building up enough charge. Then again all the battery has to do is have enough charge to start the alternator and then it takes over right? Your help is sincerely appreciated.


Jan 20, 2014, 10:59 AM

Post #16 of 42 (3592 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

The thing is Hammer Time, the Chrysler turns over flawlessly every time. It takes only a few cranks and turns over, so as far as that goes it's reliable. Could it still be what you are suggesting?

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jan 20, 2014, 11:00 AM

Post #17 of 42 (3590 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

We wouldn't have suggested it if it couldn't.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Jan 20, 2014, 11:06 AM

Post #18 of 42 (3586 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Hammer Time can you please explain how this could potentially be the issue? My dash lights do light up, and my car turns over fine and hence why I am confused but then again like you said I'm no professional. I appreciate your help.

kev2 profile image

Jan 20, 2014, 12:01 PM

Post #19 of 42 (3581 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Lets regroup.
the P/W and HVAC do not always get powered up at start.....

You recently had to jump the vehicle - dead battery - no problem before that.... Am I describing correctly so far?

> I asked about a remote starter ? before someone looks at a wiring diagram....
> I want to also ask - the CEL does it come on at every start @2seconds then go out?
> Jump started the car- no problem, crossed cables - key was in pocket or ignition Sw when attaching cables?
> Any chance you have a scanner - all code capable?
Stupid questions.... but there is a reason


Jan 20, 2014, 1:18 PM

Post #20 of 42 (3575 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Good plan!
You have everything correct. I don't have a remote starter and the CEL doesn't come on at all actually. When we attached the cables the key was in my hand and the last of your questions; I do have a scanner all codes capable and ran it and there was no fault code. I was hoping there would be, but assumed there wouldn't because of the CEL not being displayed.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 20, 2014, 2:09 PM

Post #21 of 42 (3572 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

? CEL bulb doesn't light even as a bulb check?



Jan 20, 2014, 2:12 PM

Post #22 of 42 (3568 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

No CEL bulb is functioning fine. There is nothing wrong with the CEL. I apologize if that was causing any confusion.

kev2 profile image

Jan 21, 2014, 9:22 AM

Post #23 of 42 (3545 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

 .....I am still thinking it is a key switch issue, I will look at a wiring diagram to be sure I did not miss anything ie everything going thru BCM or a relay...

Will think of a way to troubleshoot and confirm, some tests -


Jan 21, 2014, 11:34 AM

Post #24 of 42 (3542 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

Hmmmmm...I took it to Shucks and had them run an unloaded and loaded test. Seems to be that the battery is fine but is being drained excessively. I cleaned the main ground but would the key switch also cause this problem? I don't believe it is the alternator as I had that tested too and it was running about 14v (barely okay they said). Another possibility I've been researching is a bad BCM which I'm hoping is not the case. What are your thoughts??

kev2 profile image

Jan 21, 2014, 2:25 PM

Post #25 of 42 (3537 views)
  post locked   Re: 1999 Chrysler 300m  

the battery drain is interesting- definitely look into thet... remember that there is a wait period for checking battery drains as modules go to sleep @30min would be a safe guess. Good tutorials on this drain checking procedure on UTube.

I mentioned the BCM as I am unsure if circuits utilize it, I will look at wiring schematic - time permitting - its snowing, not making for a busy evening.

PS as the issue is intermittent testing will be trickier than a hard failure.

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