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89 Reliant -- Use AlumnaSeal to fix leaking headgasket?

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Mar 11, 2009, 12:40 PM

Post #1 of 2 (3314 views)
89 Reliant -- Use AlumnaSeal to fix leaking headgasket? Sign In

1989 Plymouth Reliant K -- After my mechanic found the Antifreeze is leaking out of the headgasket, I thought I might put AlumnaSeal stopleak through the system to possibly avoid replacing it. One mechanic told me I could try this before I new where the leak is. However this mechanic was very adament that it may damage the radiator (which is new) and the heater core. Should I use the AlumnaSeal first or get a new headgasket (I'd rather not for this car).

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Mar 11, 2009, 1:31 PM

Post #2 of 2 (3313 views)
Re: 89 Reliant -- Use AlumnaSeal to fix leaking headgasket? Sign In

Is the only issue antifreeze leaking OUT of the head gasket? If for now that's all and it's not too bad a sealer (use half of package suggestions or less) might work for some time. It won't fix much permanantly.

I will use Mac's (sold under a NAPA name too) "Radiator Sealer and Block Repair" - but just ONE oz and if a no go then no more for gaskets that I can see and are just seeping - no more than that.

The "Alumaseal" if I recall is really just a sawdust (it can work!) that has aluminum color. Ground pepper can work too but this is all hackery and know that. Most will flush out and NOT wreck your new radiator but be warned if you use too much of this stuff it will clog things up all by its onesies!



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