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93 Civic with 95 A/C unit installed but, need help!

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May 22, 2009, 1:05 PM

Post #1 of 5 (2835 views)
93 Civic with 95 A/C unit installed but, need help! Sign In

I have a 93 civic that did NOT come with the factory A/C and decided to take a challenge and install one my self. Ok, so I got very luck and got a great deal on a used 95 civic A/C unit, pulled everything off myself for $100! The list: Compressor, condenser w/ fan, evaporator w/ A/C thermostat, 95 A/C wire harness, high and low A/C lines. Basically, everything I needed, I got it. I replaced all the O-rings from all lines and all, replaced old oil from compressor and added 6 oz of more pag 46 oil into the compressor and replaced the dryer. Once everything was installed, I took it to a professional shop to have the system evacuated and re-charged. After 45 mins of vacuuming, he re-charged the system, once that was done, we fired up the car to see what the progress was.
Once the car was on, we noticed a couple of things,
1. The compressor clutch was not engaging or getting any current to power it.
2. The HIGH side was getting pressure readings up to 400psi!!
So my shop guy recommended that he do a diagnose to find the problem and I was quite reluctant and asked how much it would be and he replied, "$68 an hr or if it goes more than that, it would be a flat fee of $130 plus parts if they need to be replaced." I thought to myself, "HOLY S***!!" I told him that I'd think about it and that I'll get back to him. I also asked him what could be the problem of why these things are happening and he said that the high side has a lot of pressure and that might be either the dryer or expansion valve but, I think that maybe I added too much pag oil?? And the compressor clutch is not engaging but, was working when we jumped it, so there maybe a bad fuse or bad wiring.
I wanted to get some answers here before anything so if anyone can help me out, that would be greatly appreciated!!! I'm in California and it's getting to be very hot here!


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

May 22, 2009, 3:57 PM

Post #2 of 5 (2829 views)
Re: 93 Civic with 95 A/C unit installed but, need help! Sign In

What your saying is entirely impossible. If the compressor isn't running, you can't have 400 PSI of pressure.


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New User

May 22, 2009, 9:17 PM

Post #3 of 5 (2818 views)
Re: 93 Civic with 95 A/C unit installed but, need help! Sign In

I know it sounds very unlikley but, I saw it with my own eyes. The compressor clutch was not engaging therefore, there was extreme pressure from the high side line. Would not changing the dryer still not allow cold air into the cabin? Argh, this is so agravating....

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

May 23, 2009, 12:23 AM

Post #4 of 5 (2814 views)
Re: 93 Civic with 95 A/C unit installed but, need help! Sign In

I didn't say unlikely. I said impossible.

The compressor is the pump that creates the pressure. Without the compressor, you can only have ambient pressure that won't go much over 100PSI even on a real hot day and that would be equal for both high and low side. You can't have a difference between high and low without a compressor. 400PSI is out of the question using R134A.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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May 24, 2009, 12:59 AM

Post #5 of 5 (2803 views)
Re: 93 Civic with 95 A/C unit installed but, need help! Sign In

AS Hammer Time said the 400 reading is about impossible. OE spec for this is just 19oz R-134a . Without compressor running the 400 would have to be and total blockage and a HPCO is stopping compressor after it engaged for a second perhaps?? For it to have a true reading of 400 it's off my chart but temp of that line (high side near port) would be near glowing hot!



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