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How does this happens?

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Jun 30, 2016, 8:48 PM

Post #1 of 4 (1856 views)
How does this happens? Sign In

Hi everyone.. Recently, I have come across a blog (link deleted, not allowed). It's all about common car air conditioning problems. It says that the freon leakage and vacuum leakage can affect coolness of the air conditioners. I would like to know, how this freon leakage and vacuum leakage happens? How we should protect our O-ring, seal, or hose, if failure of these parts are major cause? What all other factors makes these type of leakages?

(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Jun 30, 2016, 10:24 PM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jun 30, 2016, 11:18 PM

Post #2 of 4 (1841 views)
Re: How does this happens? Sign In

No links please to another site's info especially which the web is full of for MVAC. Most totally full of crap.

There's no service for "O" rings and hoses for A/C just the initial install new or replaced lubed when apart and that's it.
Let's get something right. It's called "refrigerant" as the word "freon" is a brand name only recently admitted into the English language as generic for refrigerant which is just a condensable gas. OK to use the word as you did but must be lower case. Condensable gasses also include propane, butane, carbon dioxide and many more. Canada and other countries do not allow the sale of either R-12 or R-134a to the general public. R-12 systems ended in 1993 and in those places must be changed to alternatives or do without.

Leaks are the #1 initial cause of failures still. You need to know that there's oil in "Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning" compressors that is lubricated by the charge of refrigerant only when working and when adequately filled or self destructs due to lack of lubrication.

That's about as basic as driving on a flat tire and wonder why plain air or lack of proper amount ruined the tire from continued use.

What's your questions really? Can you prevent failures? Yes - when your system isn't producing expected cool air quit using it and check it out by pressures which is a total algorithm of temp/pressures observed where and under what conditions.

It's totally not DIY friendly. When not performing as expected best to shut it off and find out why right away. About all systems will shut down by themselves anyway but unfortunately too late to save itself much to often IMO.

Beat on this some more for you: For 90% of the world's population it's Summer now and plenty hot enough to need A/C in vehicles incapable to allow just fresh air to be enough. Systems frequently run on one belt such that a total call it catastrophic failure of a compressor the vehicle is then not drivable at all. Most will just quit and compressor will just be a bearing as it is when not using A/C at all or when temps way too low in off season for it to operate anyway.

It's an owner's job to know it's not right and seek specs for the specific vehicle and make checks without delay DIY possible with know how and equipment or by professionals in the trade.

You could have your system just checked pre-season that it's all working properly for many probably a good idea. If proper you do nothing. If not go from what is found.
Why did you mention vacuum leaks impair performance? There can be engine vacuum controlled devices to power controls of components external to the refrigerant side of a system totally. Vacuum leaks in a system's refrigerant side would only be a test after work was done that it holds or don't put refrigerant in it yet till that leak is found.

In short - about all vehicles come with a list of things you do based on time and miles/KMs driven listed out clearly. A/C would just be a check that it's operating properly not requiring a known routine service that will make components last longer that I can think of.

What is your problem if any? If you took the bait that you should be doing something you probably should buy Summer and Winter canned air for your tires too and change that seasonally,


Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Jul 1, 2016, 9:38 AM

Post #3 of 4 (1830 views)
Re: How does this happens? Sign In

Some system leakage is going to be normal. You'll lose refrigerant through the compressor shaft seal if there are no other abnormal leaks in the system. It is best to check the refrigerant weight every two or three years.

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greasy one

Jul 2, 2016, 3:24 PM

Post #4 of 4 (1812 views)
Re: How does this happens? Sign In

 You guys do a great job to try and explain things, your patience is fantastic !


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