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repair/replace heater core

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Oct 9, 2008, 4:29 AM

Post #1 of 2 (3157 views)
repair/replace heater core Sign In

1993 Ford Aerostar Van

When we bought this car last spring, owner said it had been spitting/leaking antifreeze onto the passenger floor. He said he couldn't afford to fix it, so cut and capped the hoses.

Now we need to fix this. We have bought a heater core at a salvage yard. How do we know if we actually need to replace the heater core? Could it just be a broken hose? How would we repair/replace this on a 1993 Aerostar Van? Cand you give me directions or send me to a web site that would have directions? Is this something a person could do themselves?

If we took the used heater core to a mechanic, approx what are we talking for them to replace it with our heater core? What kind of mechanic would we go to? An airconditioning/heating specialist?

Thanks for your help. you are welcome to email me if you

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 9, 2008, 5:37 AM

Post #2 of 2 (3153 views)
93 Aerostar 3.0 Heater core Sign In

First off - take the used one back! For $38 bucks new why would you go thru this much work for a used part?

It's an involved job no matter how you slice it. You should pressure check system perhaps with plain water all hooked up to old one first if you wish to verify it is in fact the core and not a hose. Probably is the core is wetness is found on the passenger's floor and not a sign at hose connections underhood.

These jobs are tons more labor than parts $$. If you have the tools and patience go for it. More exacting detail is available but if you pay attention to everying in order being removed you just put it all back double checking all items are hooked up and operational during reassembly,


(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Oct 9, 2008, 5:38 AM)


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