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creaking sound turning at slow speeds

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Apr 8, 2016, 6:10 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1801 views)
creaking sound turning at slow speeds Sign In

Hi I have a 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan 3.3L with about 85000 kms.
It makes a creaking noise sometimes in low speed turns. It does it more often turning in one direction and sounds different when reversing in another direction etc. It also sometimes doesn't make the sound at all depending on the temperature or atmospheric pressure or something mysterious. The mechanic said he heard a sound and gave it a power steering flush but not sure it was the same noise although it did stop for a bit after that as in for 3 days. When I purchased the vehicle they said it was draggind when the vehicle was lifted in the air and turning the wheel side to side and they said it was probably the strut bearing. I don't want to replace the struts for fun if they don't need it. any ideas?

Double J
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Apr 8, 2016, 11:03 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1790 views)
Re: creaking sound turning at slow speeds Sign In

Have your mechanic reference Chrysler Technical Service Bulletin 13-001-07 to see if this is what is going on......

Here is an excerpt from it.
He will need to access the TSB for the full details.


Squeak / Creak or Tick Sound During Vehicle Operation


This bulletin involves inspecting a tapping plate cage in the left front frame rail and makingmodifications as required.



Chrysler Voyager (International Markets)



Caravan/Town & Country


Some customers may experience a Squeak, Creak, or a Tick sound while driving theirvehicle. The sound may be noticed coming from the drivers side and may be interpreted asa suspension sound since it is typically heard while driving.


Sit in the vehicle with engine running, gear shift in park and foot off the brake. Rotate thesteering wheel from a full right to full left turn to load the engine cradle. While rotating thesteering wheel to the right and left, listen for the sound. If a sound is heard while loadingthe engine cradle, shut the engine off, get out of the vehicle, and reach over the left tireand insert one finger into the frame opening that contains the tapping plate assembly(directly inside rectangular opening) (

Fig. 1). Feel for interference between the rear tab ofthe cage and the vertical box section of the rail (

Fig. 2

). An inspection mirror may be usedto visually confirm the interference. If interference is noted or the rear tab is tight to the boxsection, perform the Repair Procedure.

NOTE: With the vehicle sitting still, the sound may be more of a Pop as compared tosqueak, tick or click.


GROUP:Frames & Bumpers


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