1995 Sable Speedo not working
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Feb 5, 2008, 5:42 AM
Post #1 of 4
1995 Sable Speedo not working
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My sable 3.0 v6 doesnt have a working speedo anymore. I was told it was the speed sensor so I replaced that but it still doesnt work. is there more than one speed sensor? I replaced the one on the top of the tranny, sort of on the passenger side and it is hooked to the cable that comes out of the firewall and goes to the speedo i think. Any ideas? Thanks, Ken
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Double J
/ Moderator
Feb 5, 2008, 2:11 PM
Post #2 of 4
Re: 1995 Sable Speedo not working
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Yes....check ,is the odometer working?...if so..replace the speedometer head...if not. check to make sure speed control cable is properly connected to speedo and to vss...ok?then disconnect speed control cable and vss and check that magnet shaft in speedo head turns freely...,no-replace head.,ok then check the drive and driven gears for damage or wear,replace as needed,if ok then check the speed control cable and vss for kinks and /or improper routing,replace cable and vss if faulty.if ok then disconnect speed control cable from vss and check that shaft in vss turns freely,replace vss if it doesn't.if ok,which it should be since you replaced it,check for a broken core in the speedometer cable. if core is seized and will not turn,replace the speed control cable and vehicle speed sensor (vss). I hope this helps you....
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/ Moderator
Feb 5, 2008, 5:17 PM
Post #3 of 4
Re: 1995 Sable Speedo not working
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To add a little to Jim's excellent advice. You can unhook the speedometer cable from the transmission and hook up a drill. Put drill in reverse ansd see if speedometer moves. If it does, cables and speedometer is OK. Problem will be in the speed sensor gears. If speedometer does not work, there is a connection down behind the engine, disconnect the front part of the cable and do the drill thing again. Thid will isolate which end of the cable that is bad. If speedometger still does not work, rwemove the instreument cluster and see if the speedometer will move with drill installed directly to speedometer back. If it works, isilate the broken cable, if it does not wprk, replace the speedometer. Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds
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Feb 12, 2008, 5:12 AM
Post #4 of 4
Re: 1995 Sable Speedo not working
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Thanks alot guys for your answeres. I will try them out as soon as I get the car back from the shop. Should be this afternoon I hope. It needed head gaskets too, that was my crazy overheating/no heat problem from a previous pose last month. Thanks again.
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