97 buick lesaber speedo promblems
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Dec 11, 2009, 11:02 PM
Post #1 of 2
97 buick lesaber speedo promblems
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i have a 1997 buick lesaber custom 3.8 v6 131,000 miles my speedometer is messing up sometimes when you drive it you can be running like around 60mph and the speedometer will read 35 mph sometimes your running 65mph and it will read right then it will drop to 30 or 40 mph when no change in speed transmission shifts beatifull like a brand new one no slipping pulls and shifts fine any sugestions what could be going on with the speedometer now the check engine light is on and i took it to autozone but they cant pull the code they said its a gm code that only the dealer can pull thanks
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Dec 12, 2009, 5:24 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: 97 buick lesaber speedo promblems
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Chances are there is a fault in the vehicle speed sensor circuit. Can be wiring, the sensor itself, or a module. Steve
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