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HELP, 79 firebird trouble

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Sep 12, 2007, 7:20 PM

Post #1 of 3 (2594 views)
post icon HELP, 79 firebird trouble Sign In

Hey any one out there i am having engine trouble with my 79, it idles fine and goes into gear, i changed spark plugs, the air filter, and replaced a few belts, but when i give it gas it dies out any ideas to the problem

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Sep 13, 2007, 1:33 AM

Post #2 of 3 (2591 views)
Re: HELP, 79 firebird trouble Sign In

This no doubt has a quadrajet "aka" - "quadra-bog" but are a good carb when all is right. Check out exhaust restrictions (converter) and that the pull offs on the carb are working. The fine tuning of that carb is fussy. You need to bend rods and have it just so or it does bog when you give it the gas. Accelerator pump is probably not up to snuff either.

What engine and carb does this have? Lots of folks would have changed the carb and the engine might not be a Pontiac but probably is in a Firebird. They ate timing chains for lunch and went thru them even with care. The origs started screwing up at as low as 40k with the nylon gear.

Some common probs of the era were the vacuum diaphragms for the pull offs, the Thermac - which is the choke looking plate in the air cleaner to use warmed air from exhaust manifold when cold. Vacuum lines didn't last all that well and the vacuum trees broke easily.

How original is the car now?


New User

Sep 19, 2007, 3:34 PM

Post #3 of 3 (2582 views)
Re: HELP, 79 firebird trouble Sign In

well the car is almost origional, it has a new engine in it, a 350 not sure where it came from, the transmision is also new again not sure, and the exhaust is new so the car is not as origional as i would like. there may be even more that i am not aware of. i have just put the car into the shop for some advise on what is going on.


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