flite possitive wheel balencer
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Aug 30, 2010, 10:41 AM
Post #1 of 13
flite possitive wheel balencer
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i have recently purchest a flite possitive wheel balencer (bubble type) model number 772A made by Wibur C. Rexroat D.B.A. dynamic center engineering co inc in lawrenceville ga patent #D181107 made in 1955? and am trying to find anyone who can tell me more about this unit especaily how to use it maybe what its worth ive tried every where to find info can any one help you can see pics of this with us patent office but i will try to describe this unit it has a base then the main unit with three arms two with rubber pads one with a balence measerering device with two measers one up one down and they are in onces with the bubble betrween the two measers it is made of aluminum and steel and is red and silver with the measer pad being black any help graetful
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 30, 2010, 10:45 AM
Post #2 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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That sounds more like a bubble balancer than a dynamic balancer. Does it have an electric cord? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Aug 30, 2010, 10:51 AM
Post #3 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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it is a buuble balencer it was made in 1955 or did you miss that fact
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 30, 2010, 10:52 AM
Post #4 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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Right - a "bubble" balancer. It near can't be as good as a dynamic machine where the wheel is turning. It's not a waste IMO just not up to par for today's cars, T
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Aug 30, 2010, 11:00 AM
Post #5 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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you know i do dare to say your wrong becouse on large tires that do not fit small machines you have no choice but still that is not the inqiure i want to know how to use this specific device so if you have better input thank you
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 30, 2010, 11:19 AM
Post #6 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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I read it too fast and saw the word "Dynamic" in the name. All bubble balancers pretty much work the same way. The should ba a lever somewhere that unlocks the top hub. Start out with it locked and use the adjuster to level the unit using the bubble. Once it's level, put the tire and wheel on it and the unlock the hub. Then add weights to center the bubble again. Most of them have a reservoir under the head that you fill with oil and that sows down the motion when you put the wheel on it. PS, I jst read your last response and I have to tell you that it is a very substandard way of balancing and they do make electronic balancers for all size if tires. The difference is the bubble balancer only measures static balance which is just the heavy end of the tire. The dynamic balancer measures both up and down and side to side imbalance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Aug 30, 2010, 11:22 AM)
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 30, 2010, 12:12 PM
Post #7 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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I can't know the exact unit but used them all the time back when as that's all we had. You just put the wheel on them at the cone top and add weights. You would spit the weights for inside and outside the wheel and even place them a bit away from each other for the best chance of correct balance. These things can't differentiate balance based on an "on end" view so you do your best. I want one! Passed up a few as they were obsolete but I wanted to know the balance of things like brake drums which so far I have NOT found a place to balance one. Some are huge and heavy and they spin with the wheel so are part of the balance. There was another device that could do full balance for like race cars was a total PITA to use and for me only saw and used one in Voc College no less and never saw one again. If you aren't happy with this site just spit it out in plain English! T
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Aug 30, 2010, 12:13 PM
Post #8 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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you know i wish i could insert a pic becouse this is not a typical wheel balencer this is one of the first static type bubble type wheel balencer it dos both top and bottem of wheel
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Aug 30, 2010, 12:20 PM
Post #9 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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yeah its a great unit especialy for large tires and other objects but haveing the two wieght measerer are diferent and confusing for a balencer and thee fact it does top and botem of wheel along with alighning wheel with arrow is strange to say the least
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 30, 2010, 1:34 PM
Post #10 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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IDK why pics are a pain here but then are! Try Google Images and bet they have the pic of you machine. Simple, right click copy and paste here, T
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Aug 31, 2010, 5:52 AM
Post #11 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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i tried that the only pics i can find online are the ones from us patent search and they are incomplete drawings of the device
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 31, 2010, 6:06 AM
Post #12 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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Many different styles but if this show that was typical...........
(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Aug 31, 2010, 6:09 AM)
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/ Moderator

Aug 31, 2010, 9:41 AM
Post #13 of 13
Re: flite possitive wheel balencer
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Using a bubble balancer correctly was an art and you really had to know what you were doing. You do balance the whole tire with a bubble balancer. In the hands of someone who knew how to use it correctly you could get a very nice balance. And there lies the problem. You get someone new, who doesn't know how to use it and you might as well not even balance the wheel at all, you'd be better off. Spin balancer are WAY more user friendly, you still need to know how to use it but a new person can safely be let loose to balance own his/her own in matter of hours as compared to months with a bubble balancer..... My My....We have been a busy beaver on this quest for info, haven't we....... I pulled this off one of your other posts.......here ya go......
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