99 Durango stored 3 years
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Chief ET
New User
Sep 14, 2012, 7:35 PM
Post #1 of 6
99 Durango stored 3 years
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I'm in the military and I have been overseas for 3 years, headed back to the States in December. My 99 Durango has been parked in my mothers garage in Orlando Florida and will not have been moved/started in 3 years. all I did was change the oil, fill the tank completely up, add fuel stabilizer, drive it for ten minutes to circulate it and parked it in the garage. Any advice on what I need to do before rolling it out and driving it from Florida to Oklahoma where I will be stationed? Thanks
(This post was edited by Chief ET on Sep 15, 2012, 1:10 AM)
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Sep 15, 2012, 3:02 AM
Post #2 of 6
Re: 99 Durango stored 3 years
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Hope it was a good garage as that will help. Fuel concerns me most by time. Not sure how well fuel stabilizer over 3 years. That could depend on grade of the product and exact formula of the fuel of which there are many by area and seasons. *Battery if untouched will be dead. Fair chance it wont be any good so count that. If this is equipped with security things factory or not they may need specific approaches to allow it to run again. If you can get a mechanic to go check on it first it would save you time and hassles. If even a trickle of charge left in battery get it on a battery/memory saver and if any chance a trickle charger/maintainer but don't trust that battery for long. * Smell the fuel. It's a wild maybe that you can when running just use it up. * When if it is running make sure your brakes feel ok just sitting still if only to hold the vehicle. Can't say as conditions on it may have gun-rusted parts just needing a workout or being worked on. Don't trust them right away. * Tires. Would have lost some pressure. Check, fill to proper pressure. There could be some things that pop up after it's operational. Back to my suggestion of having a mechanic go thru it before you get back would be the best thing to do if possible, T
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Chief ET
New User
Sep 15, 2012, 7:50 PM
Post #3 of 6
Re: 99 Durango stored 3 years
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Thanks for the advice
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/ Moderator

Sep 16, 2012, 8:01 PM
Post #4 of 6
Re: 99 Durango stored 3 years
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Fuel stabilizer helps over a winter, but for three years that gas is garbage. Don't even try to run it on that stuff. Drain out the tank, swap the fuel filter and fill it with fresh fuel. If there was ethanol in that gas you may have some issues come up. Definately with Tom on batteries, tires and brakes. Don't trust those brakes right away. The rotors will have rust on them, and it will feel and sound like grinding brakes when you start using it. Once the rust gets worn off you'll have good braking again. Might be worth it to have it towed to a shop that can drain the tank, give it a full inspection and have it ready when you get home. If you decide to do it yourself, take apart the air cleaner ducting before you try to start it. Mice love making nests in there and if it gets sucked into the intake it will damage your engine. Welcome back to the states and thanks for being gone from home for 3 years for all of us to live our lives free.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Sep 17, 2012, 5:28 AM
Post #5 of 6
Re: 99 Durango stored 3 years
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Should have said that off that bat Chief - Welcome back and THANK YOU. Nick is right on target and I was worried about the fuel - it can't be good and now really think you should tow it out of where it is - don't start it or try just get it to a shop with the details of how long it has been sitting and the concerns. I'm about certain all 50 states have required 10% ethanol in gasoline plus locally assorted additives that don't age well. Shouldn't take that long for a shop to dump fuel, swap out battery for quality new, tires up (spare too) test it out. Change oil again even and that was a good move before you left. I'll speak for myself if I can help click on my user name (look for private message option) and might be able to get you a free tow! Don't post any personal info on open web which this is, T
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Chief ET
New User
Oct 1, 2012, 6:23 AM
Post #6 of 6
Re: 99 Durango stored 3 years
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Sir, I truly appreciate Mr Warner's and your advice on this matter and will definitely take it, thanks again.
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