
Apr 30, 2008, 11:36 PM
Post #1 of 4
How to sell a car?
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Hello its my first time selling a car and i'm not really sure how to go about doing it. I was hoping somebody could give me a brief overview of the process & possibly adress the following: -transfering ownership of the vehicle to a new owner. -what do I do with the license plate -how to I release myself from any and all liability in case the new owner should be involved in an accident -how can I accecpt a check and be sure that it will not bounce? -And how to I get it documented that the vehicle is being sold 'AS IS' with no warranty coverage. I'll appreciate any and all advice. Thanks, Jim
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May 1, 2008, 12:25 AM
Post #2 of 4
Re: How to sell a car?
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Transfer is done when you sign the title over to the buyer. Drop the insurance and turn in the tags. Once the transfer has been done you are no longer responsible for that vehicle. Take the check to the buyer's bank....beware of out of state scams! Only if you were going to add a warranty you would need documatation. This advice applies to my state so it would be an idea to check with your state laws.
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Double J
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May 1, 2008, 12:42 AM
Post #3 of 4
Re: How to sell a car?
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What we do here is ... Go with the buyer to the currency exchange to ensure the vehicle title is transferred. Make out a bill of sale stating the year,make ,model,VIN number,mileage ,sellers name,buyers name And make sure it states on it....AS IS AND SHOWN....then have it notarized ...right there at the currency exchange,,they can witness you both signing it...and it will have the date and time of sale.... Take the plates off...they're yours...if your going to use them for a different car,you can have them transferred to that car at the currency exchange. Agree with dave. Before signing anything over,go to the buyers bank with the check to cash/validate...in todays day and age ,you cannot just trust a certified check..too many scams going with that. Depending on how much your selling the car for,heck,insist on cash...Make sure you have one of those pens things to mark the bills to ensure they are ok... Man..you cant even take cash safely these days...they have a scam now where they take $5.00 dollar bills,whitewash them some kinda way and print $100.00 dollar bills over them..they look right and mark ok because the paper is the same..but if you look at them up against the light for the thin 100 hundred markings,theyre not there. Jim
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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May 1, 2008, 5:35 AM
Post #4 of 4
Re: How to sell a car?
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Each state will have different laws on transfers. For $$ bank checks made out to you is good. Taken to that bank it's as good as cash. Make sure buyer is at least 18 or sale is voidable! The words "As Is" is not recognized in my state so instead you write "With any and all defects - known or unknown" if you don't want to take any responsibility for the car after the sale. Selling to dealers exempts you from liability of condition. The bearer of the title with the name on it is the owner here - hand written with new owner's name and a new one issued to them. Put the exact time, date, miles on the bill of sale. If there's an accident or problem the time sold counts. Some states the "plate" stays with the car - not most. Ask your insurance agent for any details or your RMV/DMV if there are local laws about the transaction.... T
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