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Jan 9, 2010, 5:41 AM
Post #1 of 2
Long Life fluids
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My bigest grunt with auto manufactures is the outrageous claims they make in there owners manual about things like " -long life coolant 5year 150.000miles?! -100,000km spark plug replacement! -8000 to 15000km oil changes! -1000km autotransmission flushes or lifetime fluid! and lets not forget they never mention changing power steering or is that lifetime fluid too rediculouse if i say so this is the kind of stuff i would see in the shop. now every tech out there knows for ex. you leave that long life coolant as sugested" in a cooling system your looking at replacing a head gasket, or intake manifold because the coolants ph level drops & gets electrolises & corossive and starts eating gaskets for lunch. "people change this coolant out no later then 3years or 60,oookms at latest to avoid this! secondly spark plugs do they actualy think youl be able too unscrew them out at that mileage with-out breaking them ?.. come on again change them out at around 60,000kms you could inspect them maybe even gab them add a dab of anti-seize even put them back in if they look good because the platinum and irodium ones will last 90-100,000kms the "key here is geting them out before they seize in the cylinder head." thats all thirdly oil change intervals are set way too long if i were to go that long i would wear out my engine and for sure it would start to burn oil too! you can bet on that one whant it too last do it at least 5000.kms i do mine every 4000kms and transmission fluid changes again rediculous intervals set whant it too last do it earlier like 50-60,oookms and lastly where do they ever mention power steering fluid changes NEVER! leave it in there and your looking at a pump or replacing a rack and pinion manufactures are seting these kind of rediculous intervals too accumulate EPA green points at our cost !.
(This post was edited by brager on Jan 9, 2010, 5:44 AM)
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jan 9, 2010, 7:40 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: Long Life fluids
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Try concise, OMG T
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