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What to do with this Mechanic???

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Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Aug 7, 2010, 2:32 PM

Post #26 of 30 (1292 views)
  post locked   Re: What to do with this Mechanic???  

I'll leave it up to you HT and this probably isn't the place for a political debate so maybe it better to end it now.

The guy has some views that are different than mine and I don't agree with but some points are valid.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Aug 7, 2010, 2:34 PM

Post #27 of 30 (1288 views)
  post locked   Re: What to do with this Mechanic???  

There are other forums for this crap.


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Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Aug 7, 2010, 3:26 PM

Post #28 of 30 (1285 views)
  post locked   Re: What to do with this Mechanic???  

Without getting to long winded, this was the point I was trying to get across.

These failures aren't something that is going to pop up in the 1st few days.

That's the problem. The car needs to be driven and driven for a while. Basically too long & far where any shop is going to put these miles on it.

My shop has done enough of these where a job like this, it's clear up front what to expect. Basically you would've of been informed of what I posted earlier and then to drive the car. It would be best to keep it in town for the next few months until all the bugs had been worked. If a previous repair failed it would be warrantied, if it was unrelated to the work it wouldn't be covered.

Normally there is some reason attached to these cars. You even said it yourself a similar model sells for close to the original repair cost so money wise it makes no sense to fix these "money pits" up as an every day driver.
Our latest is a Toyota. The man is fixing up his son's car. He was informed of everything upfront and todate has been ok with it. I personally passed on the original ticket (18hrs)because I just don't like getting involved with those anymore. So far he has probably invested twice the cars worth. I don't know his reasons but he is fine everytime he comes in and while I have never seen his son I have seen every other member of his family (due to the numerous visits of drop off & pick ups).

It's finally slowed and we hadn't seen him for a while, he came in last week with O2 heater problems. So my SM & I are debating.....Is this still stuff from sitting or are we FINALLY back to normal pattern failures????

Point being if there isn't some kind of reason for keeping this car other than wanting this model it would be best to find a better project. As far as the tech making sure it ran good. You are right in the fact that the engine should've been in running order before doing the other work. Once the engine is running good, thats when the clock starts. You have to start somewhere. You do all your basic checks and after that you have to run it and just see what happens.
The Toyota came in non running....The tech did all the basic checks. good fuel pressure & volume, good compression, no spark. Fixed the no spark issue and got it running good. From there it got a new Timing belt & all fluids and taken for a drive. Everything sounded good and no weird noises. So the rest of the work proceeded. Tires, brks, etc.....and then was take for 2 very long drives and was good.......Guess what failed 5 miles after the car was picked up?????? The fuel pump.... My point.....It was tested and passed......This is what happens with these older cars and there are no tests to find this stuff........I won't go down the long list over the last 6 months but you can't blame anyone for this stuff.....

You have seemed to toned your comments down from the 1st post....

I won't deny that there is some problems with illegal immigration and not get into that here but you came off to me as lumping all immigrants in the same boat. You bash the Muslims for the quality of life & human rights issues. I won't debate that because I believe there are some rights issues that do need to be addressed. But apparently human rights issues don't apply to illegal aliens in your country. Just gettem outta here and do whatever. Have you seen the living conditions in their country? They are just looking for a better live for their families. It easy to pass judgment on a religion & country halfway around the world on human rights....You need to be doing this!!!! But in the same post you are kicking "humans" in "your" country to the curb with zero compassion?

Every Religion has a heaven. Maybe you are taking theirs to literal. As far as believing all other religions are wrong. I don't know your religion, whether you are Catholic or not but if your are. Aren't we all "fishers of men" and suppose to be spreading the word of God? Aren't we in the end of days right now and God is just waiting for ALL his children to be saved? Isn't it in the bible that we are not suppose to be worshiping false Gods?

Some of that stuff you said about the Muslim religion sorta sounded like it could apply to my religion as well

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Aug 7, 2010, 3:32 PM

Post #29 of 30 (1278 views)
  post locked   Re: What to do with this Mechanic???  

PLEASE..... let it die
No more politics


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Aug 7, 2010, 3:37 PM

Post #30 of 30 (1275 views)
  post locked   Re: What to do with this Mechanic???  

Com'on HT....That's 90% automotive with maybe 5 % politics & 5% religion..

Proverbs 27:17


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