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New User
May 1, 2012, 8:54 PM
Post #1 of 1
oil pump rotors? Advice?
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Hi guys. I have a little project that I am making and I need to find some oil pump rotor, the inside piece. I'm welding some stuff together and its sorta kinda artsy and their shape is great, the problem is that, the rotor needs to be a specific size, between 1.75 and 1.95 inches across with however many "teeth", the height can be anywhere from 0.4 to 0.8 (the height measurements are somewhat loose). I have been scrounging around the scrapyard and found nothing that will work, some of these are buried so deep inside an engine block and i've been wrenching for days to come up with nothing. I need two identical (maybe very very similar) ones. where should i look? asked transmission shops and they say they have them but way too big. so oil pick ups in v8's seemed to make sense but I couldn't get a small enough one there either. I need help! this project is so close to being done! anyone have any lying in a garage somewhere? Thanks a million for any advice.
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